
ライフゲーム」(2010/01/11 (月) 19:18:51) の最新版変更点



昔なつかしいライフゲーム。 ルールは簡単。 セルが生きていて周り8つのセルを数えて2か3なら生き残る、 セルが死んでいて周りが3つなら誕生。 これだけ。 'ライフゲーム #N88BASIC Const XMAX = 30 Const YMAX = 30 Const XMIN = 1 Const YMIN = 1 Const INIT_CELL_PER = 20'初期ライフの割合 Const TIMER = 250 Const CELLSIZE = 16 Enum MAPPING MAINMAP SUBMAP End Enum Dim cell[XMAX,YMAX,1] As Byte MAIN() Sub MAIN() Randomize INIT() While (1) DRAW() Sleep(TIMER) NEWGEN() Wend End Sub Sub INIT() Dim x As Long, y As Long For x=XMIN To XMAX For y=YMIN To YMAX If Int(Rnd() * 100) < INIT_CELL_PER THen cell[x,y,MAINMAP] = 1 Else cell[x,y,MAINMAP] = 0 End If Next y Next x End Sub Sub DRAW() Dim x As Long, y As Long For x=XMIN To XMAX For y=YMIN To YMAX Line(x*CELLSIZE,y*CELLSIZE)-((x+1)*CELLSIZE, (y+1)*CELLSIZE),cell[x,y,MAINMAP],BF Next y Next x End Sub Sub NEWGEN() Dim x As Long, y As Long Dim cellcount As Long For x=XMIN To XMAX For y=YMIN To YMAX cellcount = GetCell(x,y) If cell[x,y,MAINMAP] = 0 And cellcount = 3 Then cell[x,y,SUBMAP] = 1 Else If cell[x,y,MAINMAP] > 0 And cellcount >1 And cellcount <4 Then cell[x,y,SUBMAP] = cell[x,y,MAINMAP]+1 If cell[x,y,SUBMAP] > 7 Then cell[x,y,SUBMAP] = 7 Else cell[x,y,SUBMAP] = 0 End If Next y Next x For x=XMIN To XMAX For y=YMIN To YMAX cell[x,y,MAINMAP] = cell[x,y,SUBMAP] Next y Next x End Sub Function GetCell(x As Long, y As Long) As Long GetCell = 0 If cell[x-1,y-1,MAINMAP] > 0 Then GetCell=GetCell+1 If cell[x-1,y ,MAINMAP] > 0 Then GetCell=GetCell+1 If cell[x-1,y+1,MAINMAP] > 0 Then GetCell=GetCell+1 If cell[x ,y-1,MAINMAP] > 0 Then GetCell=GetCell+1 If cell[x ,y+1,MAINMAP] > 0 Then GetCell=GetCell+1 If cell[x+1,y-1,MAINMAP] > 0 Then GetCell=GetCell+1 If cell[x+1,y ,MAINMAP] > 0 Then GetCell=GetCell+1 If cell[x+1,y+1,MAINMAP] > 0 Then GetCell=GetCell+1 End Function

