
VIP幕末」(2009/01/24 (土) 07:50:36) の最新版変更点



イベントノート ---- -[[VIP幕末イベント記述]] ---- #contents *イベント私案 [#v5a8907d] **江戸後期 [#q1da5365] -大塩平八郎の乱(1837年) -蛮社の獄(1839年) -アヘン戦争(1840年) -水野忠邦(~1843年9月?) --天保の改革(1841) -->>税収効率の低下(水野忠邦失脚まで) --薪水給与令(1842年) -安部正弘(首座1845年~) --日米和親条約(1854年) -->>ペリー来航(1853年6月) --継嗣問題(一橋派、紀州派) -井伊直弼(大老1858~) --徳川家茂就任() --日米修好通商条約(1858) -->>「勅許も無く日米修好通商条約を結んだ事で、井伊直弼は激しい批判を受けた」 --安政の大獄(1858年9月) --桜田門外の変(1860年3月) -安藤信正(1860年~1862年4月) --公武合体(和宮降嫁) --坂下門外の変(以後罷免) -幕府権威の失墜 --文久の幕政改革(1862年8月) **幕末(尊王と公武と攘夷と) [#wcca642f] -寺田屋事件(1862年5月) -->>「薩摩藩尊王派が、薩摩藩藩主の父で事実上の指導者島津久光によって粛清」 -薩英戦争(1863年7月) -->>(生麦事件1862年8月) -八月十八日の政変(1863年9月) -->「薩摩藩・会津藩の公武合体派が尊皇攘夷派の長州藩などを京都から追放したクーデター」 -->>池田屋事件(1864年6月) -->>(天誅組の変1863年8月@奈良) -->>(生野の変1863年10月@兵庫) -下関戦争(1864年8月) -->>攘夷決行期限(1863年5月10日) -一次長州征討(1864年11月) -->池田屋事件(1864年6月) -->>「新選組が、潜伏していた長州藩の尊皇攘夷過激派を襲撃した事件」 -->禁門の変(1864年8月) -->>「長州藩兵が、会津・桑名・薩摩各藩の諸隊と衝突」 -(参与会議1864年12月) -->「攘夷問題で慶喜と島津久光らが対立、瓦解」 -二次長州征討(1866年6月) -->長州藩の内乱(1864年12月) -->>「松下村塾出身の高杉晋作らが馬関で挙兵して保守派を打倒するクーデターを起し、倒幕派政権を成立」 -->薩長盟約(1866年1月) 「薩摩藩は土佐藩の坂本龍馬を仲介とした薩長盟約で密かに長州と結びついており出兵を拒否」 -王政復古の大号令(1868年12月) -->大政奉還(1867年10月) **王政復古の大号令(1868年12月) [#n84439dc] -->大政奉還(1867年10月) ---- **下関戦争(1864年8月)[#u851b38d] ->外国商船を砲撃、列強の報復(>外交関係悪化) ->関門海峡封鎖、連合艦隊との交戦(>対応イベント) -(関係国、対応イベント) -列強(英仏米蘭)の対応: -A)報復を指示 ->賠償イベント -B)事態を静観 ->威信低下 -(賠償イベント) -英仏蘭に賠償イベント(米の賠償金は、後に不当である事が判明し、横浜築港費用として返還された。その為、米への賠償イベントは除外。) -賠償額について -ウィキペディアの記述では、賠償額の総計は300万ドルとある。そこで、米への賠償金を除外した総額は、221.5万ドルとなる。これを当時の基軸通貨であるポンドで換算した際、44.3万ポンド(£1=4.84≒$5)となる。 ---- - 上の賠償額を直接適用した際、プレイヤー或いはAIを破産に追い込む危険がある為、上記の額を参考として加減をつける事が良いかもしれない。 --bassadoram{2006-07-28 (金) 12:47:45}; ####### 26650 MyBakuMOD #######;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231112N;Restoration of Imperial Rule;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231112D;As the result of Satsuma-Choshu Alliance, there was a strong anti-shogunate sentiment. The feudal lord of Tosa, who persued peaceful restoration proposed Tokugawa to return prerogatives at emperor's disposal. As Imperial court at Kyoto had been excluded from politics for centuries, they have to rely on Tokugawa in new administration. Sequently, Tokugawa would hold political power under imperial rule. On the other hand, the anti-Tokugawa faction would face critical loss if Tokugawa survived under imperial rule. On November 9th, 1867 prerogatives were returned to emperor on November 9th, 1867, but on January 3rd 1868, the anti-Tokugawa faction moved for coup e'tat. They surrunoded Imperial palace, claiming abolishment of Tokugawa shogunate. Meanwhile, at presence of emperor of Meiji (Mutsuhito,) establishment of the Meiji government was announced.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231113N;Session at Imperial Court;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231113D;A session had begun at Imperial Court before the presence of emperor Meiji. The two sides, pro-Tokugawa regentists led by Toyoshige Yamanouchi and anti-Tokugawa royalists led by Tomomi Iwakura played hard in the discussion, but no agenda was reached to agreement. During the break, a royalist, Masahira Iwashita asked Takamori Saigou from Satsuma for advice: "A dagger settles the question," answered Saigou. When they got back from break, Toyoshige Yamanouchi kept quiet.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231114N;Toyoshige Yamanouchi Assasinated!;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231114D;The undeciding heads of fief showed a negative reaction for the assasination of Toyoshige Yamanouchi. Although they had been frustrated over centuries of shogunate rule, such hardlining politics would only replace shogunate with the Satsuma-Choshu alliance.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231115N;Boshin War;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231115D;As sequent of the session at imperial court, Tokugawa resigned from over two hundred years of shogunate government. Also a series of subversions led by Satsuma were threatening Edo, the headquaters of Tokugawa. As the situation got tight, pro-Tokugawa regentists persued a war against Satsuma. For blockading Kyoto with military presence, pro-Tokugawa faction moved their armies near Kyoto, Toba-Hushimi.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231116N;Royal Vexillum Given to Meiji Government;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231116D;As the Meiji government defeated Tokugawa at Toba-Hushimi, the royal vexillum was sent to the Meiji government. Now, justice stood on the Meiji government.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231117N;Hokuriku Surrenders to Meiji Government;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231117D;The royal vexillum gave justice to the Meiji government. It guaranteed the authority of Japan, and any opponents were threaten as the "enemy of the state." As soon as the feudal lords received the news of which the royal vexillum was given to the Meiji government, the statement was made to join the same side of the Meiji government.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231121N;Negotiation over Edo Capitulation;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231121D;As army of the Meiji government advanced near Edo, full-scale combat was prepared. At the time, Commander in Chief for Tokugawa shogunate, Kaishu Katsu was seeking for peaceful handover of Edo. His envoy was sent to General Takamori Saigo of the Meiji Government, and the two went into negotiation. In the session, Katsu agreed to handover Edo in order to secure the shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa. But the capitulation caused numbers of pro-Tokugawa resistants fled to Aizu. Also vice admiral in chief, Takeaki Enomoto refused to surrender, left to Hokkaido with his fleet.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231122N;Negotiation over Edo Capitulation;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231122D;As army of the Meiji government advanced near Edo, full-scale combat was prepared. At the time, Commander in Chief for Tokugawa shogunate, Kaishu Katsu was seeking for peaceful handover of Edo. His envoy was sent to General Takamori Saigo of the Meiji Government, and the two went into negotiation. In the session, Katsu agreed to handover Edo in order to secure the shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa. But the capitulation caused numbers of pro-Tokugawa resistants fled to Aizu. Also vice admiral in chief, Takeaki Enomoto refused to surrender, left to Hokkaido with his fleet.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231123N;Pro-Shogunate Fief Formed Northern Alliance against Meiji Government;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231123D;After the capitulation of Edo, the Meiji government set their target on Aizu, the strong pro-shogunate fief in Fukushima. In the name of emperor, the Meiji government decleared "the Enemy of the State" against Aizu, and mobilization was ordered to the surrounding Northen fief. In response, Heads of the fief in north asked for amnesty over Aizu instead. Aizu, once had reliance from Imperial Court didn't deserve "the Enemy of the State." In a meantime, Negotiation was done between the powers. But as Meiji government refused to give amnesty, Northern fief formed military alliance, persuing a direct appeal to emperor. Also Meiji government moved their army to the north, as the envoy, Shuzou Sera was assasinated.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231124N;Fall of the Northern Alliance;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231124D; As Aizu, the leading fief of the Northern Alliance was surrendered by the attack of the Meiji government, the defeated force retreated to Sendai for re-formation. However other fief of the Northern Alliance hardly survived under the attack. Many were forced to surrender to the Meiji government, and Sendai was one of them. Now the remaining force fled to Hokkaido with Takeaki Enomoto.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231125N;Hakodate Government Established;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231125D;As army of Northern Alliance was defeated, Takeaki Enomoto and his fleet retrieved them at Sendai. When his fleet arrived at Hakodate, they captured fort Goryoukaku. Enomoto had sophisticated diplomatic exchange with the great powers, persuing independence of Hakodate government.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231126N;Fort Goryoukaku Surrendered;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231126D;When the Meiji government stroke enemies near the fort Goryoukaku, the Hakodate government lost their strongholds one by one. The soilders of the Hakodate government were mostly well-trained samurai with superior morale. But their resources were too little to defeat the Meiji government. After few days of heavy battles over the fort Goryoukaku, the leader of the Hakodate government, Takeaki Enomoto chose to surrender in order to save lives of the remaining colleagues. Meanwhile, he signed an instrument of surrender with the Meiji government.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231133N;Discussion over Russian Protection;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231133D;The Meiji government had moved their armies to Hakodate, and the survival of Hakodate government was the matter of time. In order to confront the Meiji government, foreign involvement was sought for survival, but many foreign ambassadors had already supported the Meiji government. Russia was one of few countries who might be interested in the deal, but such foreign involvement would cause the risk of independence.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231134N;Russian Strategy over Japan;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231134D;Centuries-long Tokugawa shogunate had been overthrown by the group of royalists. The royalists led by anti-shogunate faction of the Satsuma-Choshu alliance established the Meiji government, and they were sweeping the shogunate faction by power. The arms were supplied mostly by British, and they would have heavy influence over the Meiji government. As British were dominating the far east, Russian intervention in the Japanese civil war could be the opportunity for Russia to establish their interest in Japan. But such action would significantly risk Russia in a conflict with British.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231135N;British Reaction for Russian Influence in Japan;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231135D;Centuries-long Tokugawa shogunate had been overthrown by the group of royalists. The royalists led by anti-shogunate faction of the Satsuma-Choshu alliance established the Meiji government, and they were sweeping the shogunate faction by power. The arms were supplied mostly by British, and they would have heavy influence over the Meiji government. However defeated army of Tokugawa shogunate established new government in Hakodate, and went under Russian power.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231136N;Peace Deal with the Meiji Government;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231136D;As Russia stepped on the side of the Hakodate government, the Meiji government was the one facing a threat. Also other great powers were concerned of losing their influence in Japan as the Hakodate government with Russian backing would defeat the Meiji government. As tension grew up, a peace deal was arrenged to compromise national interests between the great powers.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231138N;Russia Vassalized Japan;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231138D;Russian venture in the Boshin war put the great powers into a crisis of war. The great powers, in order to avoid a conflict, arrenged a peace deal to end the Boshin war. Meanwhile, the Hakodate government became Russian satellite for their survival, and Russia would expand its power in far east.;;;;;;;;;;X
イベントノート ---- -[[VIP幕末イベント記述]] ---- #contents *イベント私案 [#v5a8907d] **江戸後期 [#q1da5365] -大塩平八郎の乱(1837年) -蛮社の獄(1839年) -アヘン戦争(1840年) -水野忠邦(~1843年9月?) --天保の改革(1841) -->>税収効率の低下(水野忠邦失脚まで) --薪水給与令(1842年) -安部正弘(首座1845年~) --日米和親条約(1854年) -->>ペリー来航(1853年6月) --継嗣問題(一橋派、紀州派) -井伊直弼(大老1858~) --徳川家茂就任() --日米修好通商条約(1858) -->>「勅許も無く日米修好通商条約を結んだ事で、井伊直弼は激しい批判を受けた」 --安政の大獄(1858年9月) --桜田門外の変(1860年3月) -安藤信正(1860年~1862年4月) --公武合体(和宮降嫁) --坂下門外の変(以後罷免) -幕府権威の失墜 --文久の幕政改革(1862年8月) **幕末(尊王と公武と攘夷と) [#wcca642f] -寺田屋事件(1862年5月) -->>「薩摩藩尊王派が、薩摩藩藩主の父で事実上の指導者島津久光によって粛清」 -薩英戦争(1863年7月) -->>(生麦事件1862年8月) -八月十八日の政変(1863年9月) -->「薩摩藩・会津藩の公武合体派が尊皇攘夷派の長州藩などを京都から追放したクーデター」 -->>池田屋事件(1864年6月) -->>(天誅組の変1863年8月@奈良) -->>(生野の変1863年10月@兵庫) -下関戦争(1864年8月) -->>攘夷決行期限(1863年5月10日) -一次長州征討(1864年11月) -->池田屋事件(1864年6月) -->>「新選組が、潜伏していた長州藩の尊皇攘夷過激派を襲撃した事件」 -->禁門の変(1864年8月) -->>「長州藩兵が、会津・桑名・薩摩各藩の諸隊と衝突」 -(参与会議1864年12月) -->「攘夷問題で慶喜と島津久光らが対立、瓦解」 -二次長州征討(1866年6月) -->長州藩の内乱(1864年12月) -->>「松下村塾出身の高杉晋作らが馬関で挙兵して保守派を打倒するクーデターを起し、倒幕派政権を成立」 -->薩長盟約(1866年1月) 「薩摩藩は土佐藩の坂本龍馬を仲介とした薩長盟約で密かに長州と結びついており出兵を拒否」 -王政復古の大号令(1868年12月) -->大政奉還(1867年10月) **王政復古の大号令(1868年12月) [#n84439dc] -->大政奉還(1867年10月) ---- **下関戦争(1864年8月)[#u851b38d] ->外国商船を砲撃、列強の報復(>外交関係悪化) ->関門海峡封鎖、連合艦隊との交戦(>対応イベント) -(関係国、対応イベント) -列強(英仏米蘭)の対応: -A)報復を指示 ->賠償イベント -B)事態を静観 ->威信低下 -(賠償イベント) -英仏蘭に賠償イベント(米の賠償金は、後に不当である事が判明し、横浜築港費用として返還された。その為、米への賠償イベントは除外。) -賠償額について -ウィキペディアの記述では、賠償額の総計は300万ドルとある。そこで、米への賠償金を除外した総額は、221.5万ドルとなる。これを当時の基軸通貨であるポンドで換算した際、44.3万ポンド(£1=4.84≒$5)となる。 - 上の賠償額を直接適用した際、プレイヤー或いはAIを破産に追い込む危険がある為、上記の額を参考として加減をつける事が良いかもしれない。 --bassadoram{2006-07-28 (金) 12:47:45}; ####### 26650 MyBakuMOD #######;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231112N;Restoration of Imperial Rule;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231112D;As the result of Satsuma-Choshu Alliance, there was a strong anti-shogunate sentiment. The feudal lord of Tosa, who persued peaceful restoration proposed Tokugawa to return prerogatives at emperor's disposal. As Imperial court at Kyoto had been excluded from politics for centuries, they have to rely on Tokugawa in new administration. Sequently, Tokugawa would hold political power under imperial rule. On the other hand, the anti-Tokugawa faction would face critical loss if Tokugawa survived under imperial rule. On November 9th, 1867 prerogatives were returned to emperor on November 9th, 1867, but on January 3rd 1868, the anti-Tokugawa faction moved for coup e'tat. They surrunoded Imperial palace, claiming abolishment of Tokugawa shogunate. Meanwhile, at presence of emperor of Meiji (Mutsuhito,) establishment of the Meiji government was announced.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231113N;Session at Imperial Court;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231113D;A session had begun at Imperial Court before the presence of emperor Meiji. The two sides, pro-Tokugawa regentists led by Toyoshige Yamanouchi and anti-Tokugawa royalists led by Tomomi Iwakura played hard in the discussion, but no agenda was reached to agreement. During the break, a royalist, Masahira Iwashita asked Takamori Saigou from Satsuma for advice: "A dagger settles the question," answered Saigou. When they got back from break, Toyoshige Yamanouchi kept quiet.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231114N;Toyoshige Yamanouchi Assasinated!;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231114D;The undeciding heads of fief showed a negative reaction for the assasination of Toyoshige Yamanouchi. Although they had been frustrated over centuries of shogunate rule, such hardlining politics would only replace shogunate with the Satsuma-Choshu alliance.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231115N;Boshin War;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231115D;As sequent of the session at imperial court, Tokugawa resigned from over two hundred years of shogunate government. Also a series of subversions led by Satsuma were threatening Edo, the headquaters of Tokugawa. As the situation got tight, pro-Tokugawa regentists persued a war against Satsuma. For blockading Kyoto with military presence, pro-Tokugawa faction moved their armies near Kyoto, Toba-Hushimi.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231116N;Royal Vexillum Given to Meiji Government;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231116D;As the Meiji government defeated Tokugawa at Toba-Hushimi, the royal vexillum was sent to the Meiji government. Now, justice stood on the Meiji government.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231117N;Hokuriku Surrenders to Meiji Government;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231117D;The royal vexillum gave justice to the Meiji government. It guaranteed the authority of Japan, and any opponents were threaten as the "enemy of the state." As soon as the feudal lords received the news of which the royal vexillum was given to the Meiji government, the statement was made to join the same side of the Meiji government.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231121N;Negotiation over Edo Capitulation;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231121D;As army of the Meiji government advanced near Edo, full-scale combat was prepared. At the time, Commander in Chief for Tokugawa shogunate, Kaishu Katsu was seeking for peaceful handover of Edo. His envoy was sent to General Takamori Saigo of the Meiji Government, and the two went into negotiation. In the session, Katsu agreed to handover Edo in order to secure the shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa. But the capitulation caused numbers of pro-Tokugawa resistants fled to Aizu. Also vice admiral in chief, Takeaki Enomoto refused to surrender, left to Hokkaido with his fleet.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231122N;Negotiation over Edo Capitulation;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231122D;As army of the Meiji government advanced near Edo, full-scale combat was prepared. At the time, Commander in Chief for Tokugawa shogunate, Kaishu Katsu was seeking for peaceful handover of Edo. His envoy was sent to General Takamori Saigo of the Meiji Government, and the two went into negotiation. In the session, Katsu agreed to handover Edo in order to secure the shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa. But the capitulation caused numbers of pro-Tokugawa resistants fled to Aizu. Also vice admiral in chief, Takeaki Enomoto refused to surrender, left to Hokkaido with his fleet.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231123N;Pro-Shogunate Fief Formed Northern Alliance against Meiji Government;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231123D;After the capitulation of Edo, the Meiji government set their target on Aizu, the strong pro-shogunate fief in Fukushima. In the name of emperor, the Meiji government decleared "the Enemy of the State" against Aizu, and mobilization was ordered to the surrounding Northen fief. In response, Heads of the fief in north asked for amnesty over Aizu instead. Aizu, once had reliance from Imperial Court didn't deserve "the Enemy of the State." In a meantime, Negotiation was done between the powers. But as Meiji government refused to give amnesty, Northern fief formed military alliance, persuing a direct appeal to emperor. Also Meiji government moved their army to the north, as the envoy, Shuzou Sera was assasinated.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231124N;Fall of the Northern Alliance;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231124D; As Aizu, the leading fief of the Northern Alliance was surrendered by the attack of the Meiji government, the defeated force retreated to Sendai for re-formation. However other fief of the Northern Alliance hardly survived under the attack. Many were forced to surrender to the Meiji government, and Sendai was one of them. Now the remaining force fled to Hokkaido with Takeaki Enomoto.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231125N;Hakodate Government Established;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231125D;As army of Northern Alliance was defeated, Takeaki Enomoto and his fleet retrieved them at Sendai. When his fleet arrived at Hakodate, they captured fort Goryoukaku. Enomoto had sophisticated diplomatic exchange with the great powers, persuing independence of Hakodate government.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231126N;Fort Goryoukaku Surrendered;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231126D;When the Meiji government stroke enemies near the fort Goryoukaku, the Hakodate government lost their strongholds one by one. The soilders of the Hakodate government were mostly well-trained samurai with superior morale. But their resources were too little to defeat the Meiji government. After few days of heavy battles over the fort Goryoukaku, the leader of the Hakodate government, Takeaki Enomoto chose to surrender in order to save lives of the remaining colleagues. Meanwhile, he signed an instrument of surrender with the Meiji government.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231133N;Discussion over Russian Protection;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231133D;The Meiji government had moved their armies to Hakodate, and the survival of Hakodate government was the matter of time. In order to confront the Meiji government, foreign involvement was sought for survival, but many foreign ambassadors had already supported the Meiji government. Russia was one of few countries who might be interested in the deal, but such foreign involvement would cause the risk of independence.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231134N;Russian Strategy over Japan;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231134D;Centuries-long Tokugawa shogunate had been overthrown by the group of royalists. The royalists led by anti-shogunate faction of the Satsuma-Choshu alliance established the Meiji government, and they were sweeping the shogunate faction by power. The arms were supplied mostly by British, and they would have heavy influence over the Meiji government. As British were dominating the far east, Russian intervention in the Japanese civil war could be the opportunity for Russia to establish their interest in Japan. But such action would significantly risk Russia in a conflict with British.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231135N;British Reaction for Russian Influence in Japan;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231135D;Centuries-long Tokugawa shogunate had been overthrown by the group of royalists. The royalists led by anti-shogunate faction of the Satsuma-Choshu alliance established the Meiji government, and they were sweeping the shogunate faction by power. The arms were supplied mostly by British, and they would have heavy influence over the Meiji government. However defeated army of Tokugawa shogunate established new government in Hakodate, and went under Russian power.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231136N;Peace Deal with the Meiji Government;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231136D;As Russia stepped on the side of the Hakodate government, the Meiji government was the one facing a threat. Also other great powers were concerned of losing their influence in Japan as the Hakodate government with Russian backing would defeat the Meiji government. As tension grew up, a peace deal was arrenged to compromise national interests between the great powers.;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231138N;Russia Vassalized Japan;;;;;;;;;;X EVT231138D;Russian venture in the Boshin war put the great powers into a crisis of war. The great powers, in order to avoid a conflict, arrenged a peace deal to end the Boshin war. Meanwhile, the Hakodate government became Russian satellite for their survival, and Russia would expand its power in far east.;;;;;;;;;;X

