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計 117 ページ / 1 から 100 を表示

通貨価値 研究アイデア
completely decreasing function, characteristic function, Euclidean embedding
embeddability in Euclid space, sphere and correlation
Scheffe's Theorem (pointwise conv. of prob. density implies conv. in dist)
研究ノート associated sequences, demimartingale by Prakasa Rao
logosware THiNQ 仕分
distance covariance and negative definite kernel
difference between almost sure convergence and in probability
研究メモ アイデア
研究メモ idea
constructive proof of positivstellensatz
Is the real number field a proper algebraic extension of some field?
algebraic number is algebraically closed
non-negative polynomial of one variable can be written as sos of two poly.
Sum of squaures (sos) polynomials
Motzkin's polynomial as a sum of squares of rationals
gradient of strongly convex smooth function is injective
distance matrix and min-plus matrix multiplicaiton
countable separating class of a Polish space
matlab gcc compile memo
cardinality of the power set is larger than the cardinality of the original set
existence of regular conditional probability measure
Dirichlet Process and Pitman-Ewans formula
maximum entropy distributions
download gcc for the institute server
研究所 Matlabの使い方
Fisher vs Neyman
pairwise weak convergence
Foucault pendulum
G-statistics and F-statistics in spatial statistics
Topological insulator
antisymmetrized covariant derivative behaves as a tensor
Gaussian integral by complex analysis
Derivation of the Gauss integral by Gamma function
research memo 研究メモ 卒論レベル
a sum of i.i.d. asymmetric r.v becomes symmetric
Patrick Billingsley
non-negative matrix factorization
marginal of i.i.d. distributions and exchangeable sequence
support of marginal distributions
Bohr-Mollerup theorem
harmonic analysis and harmonic function
Integrability of Shannon Entropy 2
Integrability of Shannon Entropy
Differential Manifold and its topology
Riemannian manifold is metrizable even without paracompactness
四色問題の拡張 research memo
Andrey A. Markov
Generalization of Polish spaces for good Borel sets
Gaussian distance matrix spectrum
research idea for mental lexicon data
next topic for high school in case.
Brownnian motion works in mathematics
Hammersley–Clifford theorem
Logarithmic Sobolev inequality
homotopy and homology
Extreme Value of Stochastic Process
Gateaux derivative
conformal map and biholomorphism
kernel regression with NON Gaussian process
Analogy of Hermite to the real field for Qp
latex beamer install bibliography
latex beamer install
Green's function for heat equation
RKHS defined by Riesz representation theorem
Combining data in base space 研究メモ
Benefits of cumulants compared with moments
research memo Poisson dominates Gaussian
research memo adequate computational order
Eaton triple majorization
Talk by Richard Nickl (Cambridge) at LSE
a hyperplane of a tvs are closed or dense
"Classification" by A.D. Gordon
解析の表現したもの (青本+志賀)
CineNotes No.101-109
CineNotes No.76-100
CineNotes No.51-75
CineNotes No.26-50
CineNotes No.1-25
Computer Memo
Java apache for vista
MATHNotes Kubrick No.401-421
MATHNotes Kubrick No.351-400
MATHNotes Kubrick No.301-350
MATHNotes Kubrick No.251-300
MATHNotes Kubrick No.201-250
MATHNotes Kubrick No.151-200
MATHNotes Kubrick No.101-150
MATHNotes Kubrick No.51-100
MATHNotes Kubrick No.1-50

計 117 ページ