
C4_koizumi」(2010/01/15 (金) 00:01:32) の最新版変更点



#comment() &bold(){Exersixe 4-10.}An alternate organization uses getline to read an entire input line; this makes getch and ungetch unnecessary. Revise the calculator to use this approach. #highlight(linenumber.c){{ //ぐちゃぐちゃですみません。。 //一行入力をバッファに取り込み、それをトークンに変換しながらキューに入れていき、 //トークンを要求されたら、キューから一つ取り出して返すようにしています。 #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> //for atof #include<ctype.h> //for getop #include<math.h> static enum { MAXOP = 100, NUMBER = 0, OP = 1, COM = 2, VAL = 3, OTHER = 4, MAXLINE = 100, MAXVAL = 100, BUFSIZE = 100, MAXSIZE = 100, IDT_SIZE = 13}; static int getop(char []); static void push(double); static double pop(); static int getSp(void); static void setSp(int); int pr4_10() { int type; double op1,op2; double tmp1, tmp2; char s[MAXOP]; double val[26] = {0}; double recentVal; while((type = getop(s)) != EOF) { //printf("type: %d\n", type); //printf("s: %s\n", s); switch (type) { case NUMBER: push(atof(s)); break; case OP: if(!strcmp(s, "sin")) push(sin(pop())); else if(!strcmp(s, "cos")) push(cos(pop())); else if(!strcmp(s, "tan")) push(tan(pop())); else if(!strcmp(s, "exp")) push(exp(pop())); break; case COM: if(!strcmp(s, "print")) { //print the top element of the stack without popping tmp1 = pop(); push(tmp1); printf("\t%.8g\n", tmp1); } else if(!strcmp(s, "dup")) { //duplicate the top element of the stack tmp1 = pop(); push(tmp1); push(tmp1); } else if(!strcmp(s, "swap")) { //swap the top two elements tmp1 = pop(); tmp2 = pop(); push(tmp1); push(tmp2); } else if(!strcmp(s, "clear")) { //clear the stack setSp(0); } else if(!strcmp(s, "set")) { //set number to variable double value = pop(); int addr = (int)pop(); val[addr] = value; push(value); } else if(!strcmp(s, "get")) { //get number of variable int addr = (int)pop(); push(val[addr]); recentVal = val[addr]; //set recentVal } break; case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': push(type-'a'); //set addr break; case '+': push(pop() + pop()); break; case '*': push(pop() * pop()); break; case '-': op2 = pop(); push(pop() - op2); break; case '/': op2 = pop(); if(op2 != 0.0) push(pop() / op2); else printf("error: zero divisor\n"); break; case '%': op2 = pop(); if(op2 != 0.0) push(fmod(pop(), op2)); else printf("error: zero modulus\n"); break; case '\n': printf("\t%.8g\n", pop()); break; default: printf("error: unknown command %s\n", s); break; } } return 0; } static int sp = 0; static double val[MAXVAL]; static int getSp(void) { return sp; } static void setSp(int val) { sp = val; } // push: push f to val of stack void push(double f) { if (sp < MAXVAL) val[sp++] = f; else printf("error: stack full, can't push %g\n", f); } //pop: pop the top of val of stack and return double pop(void) { if(sp > 0) return val[--sp]; else { printf("error: stack empty\n"); return 0.0; } } //ID_entry typedef struct ID_entry { char *name_ptr; int len; struct ID_entry *next; } ID_entry; static ID_entry *IDTable[IDT_SIZE]; static int hash(char *sp) { unsigned h, g; for(h = 0; *sp != '\0'; sp++) { h = (h << 4) + (unsigned)(*sp); if (g = h & 0xf0000000) h = (h ^ g>>24) ^ g; } return (h % IDT_SIZE); } char *IDentry(char *sp, int len) { int hval = hash(sp); ID_entry *np; for (np = IDTable[hval]; np != NULL; np = np->next) if((np->len) == len && strcmp(np->name_ptr, sp) == 0) return np->name_ptr; np = (ID_entry *)malloc(sizeof(ID_entry)); np->name_ptr = (char *)malloc(len+1); np->len = len; np->next = IDTable[hval]; IDTable[hval] = np; return strcpy(np->name_ptr, sp); } //queue of Token typedef struct _token{ int symbol; char *name_ptr; } Token; Token queue[MAXSIZE]; int head = 0, tail = 0; int queuein(int sym, char *name) { if((tail+1) % MAXSIZE != head) { queue[tail].symbol = sym; queue[tail].name_ptr = name; tail++; tail = tail % MAXSIZE; return 0; } else return -1; } int queueout(int *sym, char **name) { if (tail != head) { int i,n; n = strlen(queue[head].name_ptr); *sym = queue[head].symbol; *name = queue[head].name_ptr; head++; head = head % MAXSIZE; return 0; } else return -1; } static int getline(char s[], int lim) { int c, i; i = 0; while(--lim > 0 && (c =getchar()) != EOF && c !='\n') s[i++] = c; if (c == '\n') s[i++] = c; s[i] = '\0'; return i; } //getop: get next operator or number of operand int getop(char s[]) { int i, c, next, index; int n; int sym; char tmp[MAXLINE]; char *id; char buf[MAXLINE]; if(queueout(&sym, &id) != -1) { //out queue if(sym == OTHER) { return id[0]; } else { strcpy(s, id); return sym; } } else { //set queue //一行よみこみ、トークンの列にする n = getline(buf, BUFSIZE); //get input size if(n == 0) { //input EOF only return EOF; } for(index = 0; index < n; index++) { int tmpptr = 0; for(; (buf[index] == ' ' || buf[index] == '\t') && index < n; index++) //skip space and tab ; while((c = buf[index]) != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n' && c != '\0' && c != EOF) { tmp[tmpptr++] = buf[index++]; } if(c == '\n') { if(tmpptr == 0) { //'\n' だけの場合 tmp[tmpptr++] = '\n'; tmp[tmpptr] = '\0'; id = IDentry(tmp, tmpptr+1); //名前表にとうろく queuein(OTHER, id); continue; } else { //別の文字列に'\n'がついていた場合 index--; //for next loop } } else if(c == EOF) { tmp[tmpptr++] = EOF; tmp[tmpptr] = '\0'; id = IDentry(tmp, tmpptr+1); queuein(OTHER, id); continue; } tmp[tmpptr] = '\0'; //only one alphabet if (!isdigit(tmp[0]) && tmpptr == 1) { id = IDentry(tmp, tmpptr+1); queuein(OTHER, id); //not number continue; } //command if(!strcmp(tmp, "dup") || !strcmp(tmp, "print") || !strcmp(tmp, "swap") || !strcmp(tmp, "get") || !strcmp(tmp, "set") || !strcmp(tmp, "clear")) { id = IDentry(tmp, tmpptr+1); queuein(COM, id); continue; } //operator if(!strcmp(tmp, "+") || !strcmp(tmp, "-") || !strcmp(tmp, "*") || !strcmp(tmp, "/") || !strcmp(tmp, "%")) { id = IDentry(tmp, tmpptr+1); queuein(OTHER, id); continue; } if(!strcmp(tmp, "sin") || !strcmp(tmp, "cos") || !strcmp(tmp, "tan") || !strcmp(tmp, "exp") || !strcmp(tmp, "set") || !strcmp(tmp, "clear")) { id = IDentry(tmp, tmpptr+1); queuein(OP, id); continue; } //number id = IDentry(tmp, tmpptr+1); queuein(NUMBER, id); continue; } //トークンの値を一つ返す。 queueout(&sym, &id); if(sym == OTHER) { return id[0]; } else { int i, size; size = strlen(id); for(i = 0; i <= size; i++) { s[i] = id[i]; } return sym; } } } }} &bold(){Exersixe 4-11.}Modify getop so that it doesn't need to use ungetch. Hint: use an internal static variable. #highlight(linenumber.c){{ }} &bold(){Exersixe 4-12.}Adapt the ideas of printd to write a recursive version of itoa ; that is, convert an integer into a string by calling a recursive routine. #highlight(linenumber.c){{ }} &bold(){Exersixe 4-13.}Write a recursive version of the function reverse(s) , which reverses the string s in place. #highlight(linenumber.c){{ }} &bold(){Exersixe 4-14.}Define a macro swap(t,x,y) that interchanges two arguments of type t . (Block structure will help.) #highlight(linenumber.c){{ }}
#comment() &bold(){Exersixe 4-10.}An alternate organization uses getline to read an entire input line; this makes getch and ungetch unnecessary. Revise the calculator to use this approach. #highlight(linenumber.c){{ //ぐちゃぐちゃですみません。。 //一行入力をバッファに取り込み、それをトークンに変換しながらキューに入れていき、 //トークンを要求されたら、キューから一つ取り出して返すようにしています。 #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> //for atof #include<ctype.h> //for getop #include<math.h> static enum { MAXOP = 100, NUMBER = 0, OP = 1, COM = 2, VAL = 3, OTHER = 4, MAXLINE = 100, MAXVAL = 100, BUFSIZE = 100, MAXSIZE = 100, IDT_SIZE = 13}; static int getop(char []); static void push(double); static double pop(); static int getSp(void); static void setSp(int); int pr4_10() { int type; double op1,op2; double tmp1, tmp2; char s[MAXOP]; double val[26] = {0}; double recentVal; while((type = getop(s)) != EOF) { //printf("type: %d\n", type); //printf("s: %s\n", s); switch (type) { case NUMBER: push(atof(s)); break; case OP: if(!strcmp(s, "sin")) push(sin(pop())); else if(!strcmp(s, "cos")) push(cos(pop())); else if(!strcmp(s, "tan")) push(tan(pop())); else if(!strcmp(s, "exp")) push(exp(pop())); break; case COM: if(!strcmp(s, "print")) { //print the top element of the stack without popping tmp1 = pop(); push(tmp1); printf("\t%.8g\n", tmp1); } else if(!strcmp(s, "dup")) { //duplicate the top element of the stack tmp1 = pop(); push(tmp1); push(tmp1); } else if(!strcmp(s, "swap")) { //swap the top two elements tmp1 = pop(); tmp2 = pop(); push(tmp1); push(tmp2); } else if(!strcmp(s, "clear")) { //clear the stack setSp(0); } else if(!strcmp(s, "set")) { //set number to variable double value = pop(); int addr = (int)pop(); val[addr] = value; push(value); } else if(!strcmp(s, "get")) { //get number of variable int addr = (int)pop(); push(val[addr]); recentVal = val[addr]; //set recentVal } break; case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': push(type-'a'); //set addr break; case '+': push(pop() + pop()); break; case '*': push(pop() * pop()); break; case '-': op2 = pop(); push(pop() - op2); break; case '/': op2 = pop(); if(op2 != 0.0) push(pop() / op2); else printf("error: zero divisor\n"); break; case '%': op2 = pop(); if(op2 != 0.0) push(fmod(pop(), op2)); else printf("error: zero modulus\n"); break; case '\n': printf("\t%.8g\n", pop()); break; default: printf("error: unknown command %s\n", s); break; } } return 0; } static int sp = 0; static double val[MAXVAL]; static int getSp(void) { return sp; } static void setSp(int val) { sp = val; } // push: push f to val of stack void push(double f) { if (sp < MAXVAL) val[sp++] = f; else printf("error: stack full, can't push %g\n", f); } //pop: pop the top of val of stack and return double pop(void) { if(sp > 0) return val[--sp]; else { printf("error: stack empty\n"); return 0.0; } } //ID_entry typedef struct ID_entry { char *name_ptr; int len; struct ID_entry *next; } ID_entry; static ID_entry *IDTable[IDT_SIZE]; static int hash(char *sp) { unsigned h, g; for(h = 0; *sp != '\0'; sp++) { h = (h << 4) + (unsigned)(*sp); if (g = h & 0xf0000000) h = (h ^ g>>24) ^ g; } return (h % IDT_SIZE); } char *IDentry(char *sp, int len) { int hval = hash(sp); ID_entry *np; for (np = IDTable[hval]; np != NULL; np = np->next) if((np->len) == len && strcmp(np->name_ptr, sp) == 0) return np->name_ptr; np = (ID_entry *)malloc(sizeof(ID_entry)); np->name_ptr = (char *)malloc(len+1); np->len = len; np->next = IDTable[hval]; IDTable[hval] = np; return strcpy(np->name_ptr, sp); } //queue of Token typedef struct _token{ int symbol; char *name_ptr; } Token; Token queue[MAXSIZE]; int head = 0, tail = 0; int queuein(int sym, char *name) { if((tail+1) % MAXSIZE != head) { queue[tail].symbol = sym; queue[tail].name_ptr = name; tail++; tail = tail % MAXSIZE; return 0; } else return -1; } int queueout(int *sym, char **name) { if (tail != head) { int i,n; n = strlen(queue[head].name_ptr); *sym = queue[head].symbol; *name = queue[head].name_ptr; head++; head = head % MAXSIZE; return 0; } else return -1; } static int getline(char s[], int lim) { int c, i; i = 0; while(--lim > 0 && (c =getchar()) != EOF && c !='\n') s[i++] = c; if (c == '\n') s[i++] = c; s[i] = '\0'; return i; } //getop: get next operator or number of operand int getop(char s[]) { int i, c, next, index; int n; int sym; char tmp[MAXLINE]; char *id; char buf[MAXLINE]; if(queueout(&sym, &id) != -1) { //out queue if(sym == OTHER) { return id[0]; } else { strcpy(s, id); return sym; } } else { //set queue //一行よみこみ、トークンの列にする n = getline(buf, BUFSIZE); //get input size if(n == 0) { //input EOF only return EOF; } for(index = 0; index < n; index++) { int tmpptr = 0; for(; (buf[index] == ' ' || buf[index] == '\t') && index < n; index++) //skip space and tab ; while((c = buf[index]) != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n' && c != '\0' && c != EOF) { tmp[tmpptr++] = buf[index++]; } if(c == '\n') { if(tmpptr == 0) { //'\n' だけの場合 tmp[tmpptr++] = '\n'; tmp[tmpptr] = '\0'; id = IDentry(tmp, tmpptr+1); //名前表にとうろく queuein(OTHER, id); continue; } else { //別の文字列に'\n'がついていた場合 index--; //for next loop } } else if(c == EOF) { tmp[tmpptr++] = EOF; tmp[tmpptr] = '\0'; id = IDentry(tmp, tmpptr+1); queuein(OTHER, id); continue; } tmp[tmpptr] = '\0'; //only one alphabet if (!isdigit(tmp[0]) && tmpptr == 1) { id = IDentry(tmp, tmpptr+1); queuein(OTHER, id); //not number continue; } //command if(!strcmp(tmp, "dup") || !strcmp(tmp, "print") || !strcmp(tmp, "swap") || !strcmp(tmp, "get") || !strcmp(tmp, "set") || !strcmp(tmp, "clear")) { id = IDentry(tmp, tmpptr+1); queuein(COM, id); continue; } //operator if(!strcmp(tmp, "+") || !strcmp(tmp, "-") || !strcmp(tmp, "*") || !strcmp(tmp, "/") || !strcmp(tmp, "%")) { id = IDentry(tmp, tmpptr+1); queuein(OTHER, id); continue; } if(!strcmp(tmp, "sin") || !strcmp(tmp, "cos") || !strcmp(tmp, "tan") || !strcmp(tmp, "exp") || !strcmp(tmp, "set") || !strcmp(tmp, "clear")) { id = IDentry(tmp, tmpptr+1); queuein(OP, id); continue; } //number id = IDentry(tmp, tmpptr+1); queuein(NUMBER, id); continue; } //トークンの値を一つ返す。 queueout(&sym, &id); if(sym == OTHER) { return id[0]; } else { int i, size; size = strlen(id); for(i = 0; i <= size; i++) { s[i] = id[i]; } return sym; } } } }} &bold(){Exersixe 4-11.}Modify getop so that it doesn't need to use ungetch. Hint: use an internal static variable. #highlight(linenumber.c){{ 偶然ungetchを使わずに組んでいたので、4-10のプログラムと同様です。 }} &bold(){Exersixe 4-12.}Adapt the ideas of printd to write a recursive version of itoa ; that is, convert an integer into a string by calling a recursive routine. #highlight(linenumber.c){{ }} &bold(){Exersixe 4-13.}Write a recursive version of the function reverse(s) , which reverses the string s in place. #highlight(linenumber.c){{ }} &bold(){Exersixe 4-14.}Define a macro swap(t,x,y) that interchanges two arguments of type t . (Block structure will help.) #highlight(linenumber.c){{ }}

