Outline (long)

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Outline (long)」(2009/05/21 (木) 03:52:01) の最新版変更点



もったいないので皆さんの要約のせたloger versionも合わせて提出してみようかと思います。 どうでしょうか? 午後までのあいだに、直したいところがあったら直してくださいませ◎ &bold(){Gender, Birth & Reproduction Group Project Outline} &bold(){Topic: Eyes towards Women } We’re going to compare the “eyes” that surround women especially concerning the scene of pregnancy and birth among many regions & cultures. &bold(){Aim:} -to grab the situation of pregnancy and birth around the world -to know how embodiment occurs (how women internalize society’s eyes towards their body and express themselves) -compare and find differences -compare and find points they have in common. -reveal if there is any prejudice or misconception among us and correct. &bold(){Procedure:} 1. Each member will do research about regions she/he is in charge of. 2. interview with -NGO working for women and child health in developing countries: joicfp. -obstetrician and gynecologist in Japan. -Islam women and research their attitude. &bold(){Details about members’ work:} 1. Mio Shirasaki(101390) will be in charge of &u(){IVF in Islam and its ‘local moral worlds’}. -Introduce 'moral worlds' of IVF and gamete donationin in Egypt and Lebanon. -Explain women's view of it. 2. Asami Watanabe (101753) will be in charge of &u(){Evolutions of the metaphors used to describe women throughout the history.} In the past, cultural views molded the mechanism of human bodies. Metaphors revolving the analogous structures of the male and female bodies played a dominant role in classical medicine throughout the 19th century. Assertions that men and women's social roles were natural emerged later on. Evolutions of the metaphors used to describe women throughout the history changed from having analogous systems as men, to being complete different and even looked down upon by men. How do men and women in contemporary society view such historical metaphors today? 3.Koori Matsumoto(111256) will be in charge of &u(){Techniques used to induce abortion by Burmese women on the Thai border}. ・The reason given for the abortions were: being unmarried; too many children; not living in secure conditions; and a lack of access to reliable contraception. ・Women give terminating their pregnancies due to their poverty, relationship problem, and abuse, and lack of knowledge of contraception. Also, domestic violence was another major reason in several Burmese women’s account of their motivation to end the pregnancies. Contraceptive knowledge is poor. ・Men interviewed were similarly ignorant about contraceptive. Many respondents reported their knowledge increased after they entered Thailand. The access to sexual health information or contraception is uncommon in Burma. The local understanding of pregnancies. Regular menstruation is an important indicator of health for Burmese women. The absence of regular periods does not always indicate a pregnancy is but associated with weakness and potential sign of more serious ill health. For Burmese women a cessation menstruation can be interpreted as the blood congealing inside the body which may rise to the head and cause serious illness and mental disturbance. The ambiguity surrounding early pregnancy and menstrual regulation allows multiple interpretations of the meanings missed menstruation and actions to restore it. Karen Christian abortionist was clear about when she could offer a massage abortion. She does not do it if they are human, only if they are blood. (Initial action to see the blood include the consumption of humorally hot foods and substances such as alcohol, dog meat, ginger, sugarcane, pepper and hot water. Falling , tripping, and slipping. Carrying heavy loads and working hard are also attributed to early pregnancy.) Hot medicines are most commonly tried. The most common brand of thwei zei is the Burmese emmenagogue Kathy pan. 4. Haruna Takahashi(111445) will be in charge of F&u(){emale-Selective Abortion in Asia: Patterns, Policies, and Debates} -The survey and the condition of each country -Patriarchal Demographics and Change -The Technological Modernization of Male-Biased Reproduction -Policies Regarding FSA -Divergent Views on FSA -Balanced Sex Rations, Public Goods, and Human Rights 5. Natsuki Taketani(101428) will be in charge of &u(){Birth Condition in African regions and developed nations.} -Reading over birth condition in Sudan and Canada -nutrition, staff, technology, mother’s attitude, society’s eyes -Researching stigma to pregnant woman in Africa -Acquire statistical data concerning each condition. -Analyze embodiment in each society. かわいいアスタリスクの見出しはプログラミング上の問題でWikiでは外させてもらいました><
もったいないので皆さんの要約をのせたloger versionも合わせて提出してみようかと思います。 どうでしょうか? 午後までのあいだに、直したいところがあったら直してくださいませ◎ &bold(){Gender, Birth & Reproduction Group Project Outline} &bold(){Topic: Eyes towards Women } We’re going to compare the “eyes” that surround women especially concerning the scene of pregnancy and birth among many regions & cultures. &bold(){Aim:} -to grab the situation of pregnancy and birth around the world -to know how embodiment occurs (how women internalize society’s eyes towards their body and express themselves) -compare and find differences -compare and find points they have in common. -reveal if there is any prejudice or misconception among us and correct. &bold(){Procedure:} 1. Each member will do research about regions she/he is in charge of. 2. interview with -NGO working for women and child health in developing countries: joicfp. -obstetrician and gynecologist in Japan. -Islam women and research their attitude. &bold(){Details about members’ work:} 1. Mio Shirasaki(101390) will be in charge of &u(){IVF in Islam and its ‘local moral worlds’}. -Introduce 'moral worlds' of IVF and gamete donationin in Egypt and Lebanon. -Explain women's view of it. 2. Asami Watanabe (101753) will be in charge of &u(){Evolutions of the metaphors used to describe women throughout the history.} In the past, cultural views molded the mechanism of human bodies. Metaphors revolving the analogous structures of the male and female bodies played a dominant role in classical medicine throughout the 19th century. Assertions that men and women's social roles were natural emerged later on. Evolutions of the metaphors used to describe women throughout the history changed from having analogous systems as men, to being complete different and even looked down upon by men. How do men and women in contemporary society view such historical metaphors today? 3.Koori Matsumoto(111256) will be in charge of &u(){Techniques used to induce abortion by Burmese women on the Thai border}. ・The reason given for the abortions were: being unmarried; too many children; not living in secure conditions; and a lack of access to reliable contraception. ・Women give terminating their pregnancies due to their poverty, relationship problem, and abuse, and lack of knowledge of contraception. Also, domestic violence was another major reason in several Burmese women’s account of their motivation to end the pregnancies. Contraceptive knowledge is poor. ・Men interviewed were similarly ignorant about contraceptive. Many respondents reported their knowledge increased after they entered Thailand. The access to sexual health information or contraception is uncommon in Burma. The local understanding of pregnancies. Regular menstruation is an important indicator of health for Burmese women. The absence of regular periods does not always indicate a pregnancy is but associated with weakness and potential sign of more serious ill health. For Burmese women a cessation menstruation can be interpreted as the blood congealing inside the body which may rise to the head and cause serious illness and mental disturbance. The ambiguity surrounding early pregnancy and menstrual regulation allows multiple interpretations of the meanings missed menstruation and actions to restore it. Karen Christian abortionist was clear about when she could offer a massage abortion. She does not do it if they are human, only if they are blood. (Initial action to see the blood include the consumption of humorally hot foods and substances such as alcohol, dog meat, ginger, sugarcane, pepper and hot water. Falling , tripping, and slipping. Carrying heavy loads and working hard are also attributed to early pregnancy.) Hot medicines are most commonly tried. The most common brand of thwei zei is the Burmese emmenagogue Kathy pan. 4. Haruna Takahashi(111445) will be in charge of F&u(){emale-Selective Abortion in Asia: Patterns, Policies, and Debates} -The survey and the condition of each country -Patriarchal Demographics and Change -The Technological Modernization of Male-Biased Reproduction -Policies Regarding FSA -Divergent Views on FSA -Balanced Sex Rations, Public Goods, and Human Rights 5. Natsuki Taketani(101428) will be in charge of &u(){Birth Condition in African regions and developed nations.} -Reading over birth condition in Sudan and Canada -nutrition, staff, technology, mother’s attitude, society’s eyes -Researching stigma to pregnant woman in Africa -Acquire statistical data concerning each condition. -Analyze embodiment in each society. かわいいアスタリスクの見出しはプログラミング上の問題でWikiでは外させてもらいました><




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