
Conv_Q0I4c_Text.xml」(2007/12/07 (金) 19:18:29) の最新版変更点



<?xml version="1.0"?> <TextLibrary> <Text tag="[Conv_Q0I4c_NAME1]">Princess Serephine</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q0I4c_0000]">Please, I beg you - don&apos;t take me to Utrarg! My life will be miserable!</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q0I4c_0001]">Please, I beg you - don&apos;t take me to Utrarg! My life will be miserable!</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q0I4c_0002]">Please, I beg you - don&apos;t take me to Utrarg! My life will be miserable! We could be sisters, you and I. Would you force your sister into a loveless marriage?</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q0I4c_0003]">Please, I beg you - don&apos;t take me to Utrarg! My life will be miserable! We could be sisters, you and I. Would you force your sister into a loveless marriage?</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q0I4c_0004]">Your father says your marriage will bring a new era of peace - an alliance between these two kingdoms. It is your duty!</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q0I4c_0005]">Your father says your marriage will bring a new era of peace - an alliance between these two kingdoms. It is your duty!</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q0I4c_0006]">Your father says your marriage will bring a new era of peace - an alliance between these two kingdoms. It is your duty!</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q0I4c_0007]">Your father says your marriage will bring a new era of peace - an alliance between these two kingdoms. It is your duty!</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q0I4c_0008]">Duty! Ha! I&apos;m nothing but a pawn in my father&apos;s political games. I beg you...take me to Bartonia!</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q0I4c_0009]">Duty! Ha! I&apos;m nothing but a pawn in my father&apos;s political games. I beg you...take me to Bartonia!</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q0I4c_0010]">Duty! Ha! I&apos;m nothing but a pawn in my father&apos;s political games. I beg you...take me to Bartonia!</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q0I4c_0011]">Duty! Ha! I&apos;m nothing but a pawn in my father&apos;s political games. I beg you...take me to Bartonia!</Text> </TextLibrary>

