
Conv_Q2Q8c_Text.xml」(2007/12/07 (金) 21:01:09) の最新版変更点



<?xml version="1.0"?> <TextLibrary> <Text tag="[Conv_Q2Q8c_NAME1]">Lord Greythane</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q2Q8c_0000]">You have brought that half-human animal, Darkhunter, into my Tower? Leave now, or I will have you thrown in the dungeon, ALL of you!</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q2Q8c_0001]">You have brought that half-human animal, Darkhunter, into my Tower? Leave now, or I will have you thrown in the dungeon, ALL of you!</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q2Q8c_0002]">You have brought that half-human animal, Darkhunter, into my Tower? Leave now, or I will have you thrown in the dungeon, ALL of you!</Text> <Text tag="[Conv_Q2Q8c_0003]">You have brought that half-human animal, Darkhunter, into my Tower? Leave now, or I will have you thrown in the dungeon, ALL of you!</Text> </TextLibrary>

