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   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_NAME1]">Queen Gwendholyn</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0000]">What can I do for you, your Majesty? More undead creatures to be slain?</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0001]">What can I do for you, your Majesty? More undead creatures to be slain?</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0002]">What can I do for you, your Majesty? More undead creatures to be slain?</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0003]">What can I do for you, your Majesty? More undead creatures to be slain?</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0004]">If it were only that simple... Their numbers grow daily, and I fear we cannot hold them off forever.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0005]">If it were only that simple... Their numbers grow daily, and I fear we cannot hold them off forever.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0006]">If it were only that simple... Their numbers grow daily, and I fear we cannot hold them off forever.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0007]">If it were only that simple... Their numbers grow daily, and I fear we cannot hold them off forever.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0008]">Then now is the time to stand and fight!</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0009]">Then now is the time to stand and fight!</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0010]">Then now is the time to stand and fight!</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0011]">Then now is the time to stand and fight!</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0012]">Indeed... but we need help. There is a warrior who lives to the south, beyond the mountains in Gallia. His name is Syrus Darkhunter. He knows much about these creatures; he has fought them all his life. If you could persuade him to travel to Bartonia, perhaps he could help us.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0013]">Indeed... but we need help. There is a warrior who lives to the south, beyond the mountains in Gallia. His name is Syrus Darkhunter. He knows much about these creatures; he has fought them all his life. If you could persuade him to travel to Bartonia, perhaps he could help us.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0014]">Indeed... but we need help. There is a warrior who lives to the south, beyond the mountains in Gallia. His name is Syrus Darkhunter. He knows much about these creatures; he has fought them all his life. If you could persuade him to travel to Bartonia, perhaps he could help us.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0015]">Indeed... but we need help. There is a warrior who lives to the south, beyond the mountains in Gallia. His name is Syrus Darkhunter. He knows much about these creatures; he has fought them all his life. If you could persuade him to travel to Bartonia, perhaps he could help us.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0016]">I will leave for Gallia tonight!</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0017]">I will leave for Gallia tonight!</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0018]">I will leave for Gallia tonight!</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q0Q2a_0019]">I will leave for Gallia tonight!</Text>


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最終更新:2007年12月09日 03:39