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   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_NAME1]">Khalkus</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0000]">We&apos;re so grateful for the help, lad. My good friend Thallis, a blacksmith here in Dhun-Kor, lost a family heirloom in one o&apos; the wagons that was on its way to Dhun-Kor. A little silver key it is, belonged to his granpappy, given to him by the King o&apos; Lysea back in the day when...</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0001]">We&apos;re so grateful for the help, lad. My good friend Thallis, a blacksmith here in Dhun-Kor, lost a family heirloom in one o&apos; the wagons that was on its way to Dhun-Kor. A little silver key it is, belonged to his granpappy, given to him by the King o&apos; Lysea back in the day when...</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0002]">We&apos;re so grateful for the help, lass. My good friend Thallis, a blacksmith here in Dhun-Kor, lost a family heirloom in one o&apos; the wagons that was on its way to Dhun-Kor. A little silver key it is, belonged to his granpappy, given to him by the King o&apos; Lysea back in the day when...</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0003]">We&apos;re so grateful for the help, lass. My good friend Thallis, a blacksmith here in Dhun-Kor, lost a family heirloom in one o&apos; the wagons that was on its way to Dhun-Kor. A little silver key it is, belonged to his granpappy, given to him by the King o&apos; Lysea back in the day when...</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0004]">A silver key, Khalkus, that&apos;s all I really need to know.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0005]">A silver key, Khalkus, that&apos;s all I really need to know.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0006]">A silver key, Khalkus, that&apos;s all I really need to know.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0007]">A silver key, Khalkus, that&apos;s all I really need to know.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0008]">Oh aye. And I reckon it&apos;s been taken to the Ogre&apos;s Tower near the Hammer Pass. I once had an idea that if ye built a tunnel, starting a fair way back though, ye could get into that tower without fightin&apos; the Ogres. And I can only imagine what they&apos;ve...</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0009]">Oh aye. And I reckon it&apos;s been taken to the Ogre&apos;s Tower near the Hammer Pass. I once had an idea that if ye built a tunnel, starting a fair way back though, ye could get into that tower without fightin&apos; the Ogres. And I can only imagine what they&apos;ve...</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0010]">Oh aye. And I reckon it&apos;s been taken to the Ogre&apos;s Tower near the Hammer Pass. I once had an idea that if ye built a tunnel, starting a fair way back though, ye could get into that tower without fightin&apos; the Ogres. And I can only imagine what they&apos;ve...</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0011]">Oh aye. And I reckon it&apos;s been taken to the Ogre&apos;s Tower near the Hammer Pass. I once had an idea that if ye built a tunnel, starting a fair way back though, ye could get into that tower without fightin&apos; the Ogres. And I can only imagine what they&apos;ve...</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0012]">Enough! If we don&apos;t stop talking, we&apos;ll never find the key.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0013]">Enough! If we don&apos;t stop talking, we&apos;ll never find the key.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0014]">Enough! If we don&apos;t stop talking, we&apos;ll never find the key.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q1S0a_0015]">Enough! If we don&apos;t stop talking, we&apos;ll never find the key.</Text>


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最終更新:2007年12月07日 20:43