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   <Text tag="[Conv_QK01a_NAME1]">Khalkus</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QK01a_0000]">Lad, it&apos;s hapennin&apos; again. There&apos;s another piece o&apos; the machine right near Silvermyr. They say a centaur has it all locked up in a cave in Alfland, but I canna imagine a Centaur knowin&apos; how to hide somethin&apos; from a Dwarf, eh? I mean just ye think about...</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QK01a_0001]">Lad, it&apos;s hapennin&apos; again. There&apos;s another piece o&apos; the machine right near Silvermyr. They say a centaur has it all locked up in a cave in Alfland, but I canna imagine a Centaur knowin&apos; how to hide somethin&apos; from a Dwarf, eh? I mean just ye think about...</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QK01a_0002]">Lass, it&apos;s hapennin&apos; again. There&apos;s another piece o&apos; the machine right near Silvermyr. They say a centaur has it all locked up in a cave in Alfland, but I canna imagine a Centaur knowin&apos; how to hide somethin&apos; from a Dwarf, eh? I mean just ye think about...</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QK01a_0003]">Lass, it&apos;s hapennin&apos; again. There&apos;s another piece o&apos; the machine right near Silvermyr. They say a centaur has it all locked up in a cave in Alfland, but I canna imagine a Centaur knowin&apos; how to hide somethin&apos; from a Dwarf, eh? I mean just ye think about...</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QK01a_0004]">Actually, Khalkus, I&apos;m curious about what this Great Machine does. Let&apos;s investigate.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QK01a_0005]">Actually, Khalkus, I&apos;m curious about what this Great Machine does. Let&apos;s investigate.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QK01a_0006]">Actually, Khalkus, I&apos;m curious about what this Great Machine does. Let&apos;s investigate.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QK01a_0007]">Actually, Khalkus, I&apos;m curious about what this Great Machine does. Let&apos;s investigate.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QK01a_0008]">Ach, ye&apos;re a good lad!</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QK01a_0009]">Ach, ye&apos;re a good lad!</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QK01a_0010]">Ach, ye&apos;re a good lass!</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QK01a_0011]">Ach, ye&apos;re a good lass!</Text>


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最終更新:2007年12月07日 20:49