<?xml version="1.0"?>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_NAME0]">Darkhunter</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_NAME1]">Liandra</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0000]">Syrus, you poor fool. You came alone.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0001]">Syrus, you poor fool. You came alone.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0002]">Syrus, you poor fool. You came alone.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0003]">Syrus, you poor fool. You came alone.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0004]">Liandra, I beg of you... come back to Ylarie with me. Perhaps the Elven Mages have a cure.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0005]">Liandra, I beg of you... come back to Ylarie with me. Perhaps the Elven Mages have a cure.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0006]">Liandra, I beg of you... come back to Ylarie with me. Perhaps the Elven Mages have a cure.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0007]">Liandra, I beg of you... come back to Ylarie with me. Perhaps the Elven Mages have a cure.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0008]">Don&apos;t you understand, Syrus? I don&apos;t want a cure. I want power. And I want YOU. You belong to me - you are mine - even if I must take you by force.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0009]">Don&apos;t you understand, Syrus? I don&apos;t want a cure. I want power. And I want YOU. You belong to me - you are mine - even if I must take you by force.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0010]">Don&apos;t you understand, Syrus? I don&apos;t want a cure. I want power. And I want YOU. You belong to me - you are mine - even if I must take you by force.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0011]">Don&apos;t you understand, Syrus? I don&apos;t want a cure. I want power. And I want YOU. You belong to me - you are mine - even if I must take you by force.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0012]">I am no fool, Liandra. I did not come alone.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0013]">I am no fool, Liandra. I did not come alone.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0014]">I am no fool, Liandra. I did not come alone.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_QA03b_0015]">I am no fool, Liandra. I did not come alone.</Text>


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最終更新:2007年12月07日 20:53