<CutScene file="Assets\CutScenes\Chap4_End_evil.xml" voice="CutScenes\Act_4_Evil.ogg" duration="48000" voicedelay="1000" font="font_system" sound="snd_cutscene" x="0" y="128" width="1024" height="512" textx="512" texty="652">
	<Text time="1000">And so Lord Bane was finally defeated, but as he had told Lord Albion many centuries before: you cannot defeat Death, merely cheat it for a while.</Text>
	<Text time="12000">This time however, Sartek, God of the Minotaurs, intervened.  He ground Bane&apos;s body beneath his mighty hooves until it was dust, and then he tore Bane&apos;s very soul into 5 pieces.</Text>
	<Text time="25000">The world moves in cycles... Lord Bane&apos;s time had passed, but another power was set to arise in the Realms of Death - one that had humble beginnings deep within the Kingdom of Agaria.</Text>
	<Text time="39000">Would this new power serve the light? Or would it serve the darkness? Only time would tell...</Text>


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最終更新:2007年12月07日 19:34