<?xml version="1.0"?>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_NAME1]">Elistara</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0000]">Your advice has been good so far, Human. What do you suggest now?</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0001]">Your advice has been good so far, Human. What do you suggest now?</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0002]">Your advice has been good so far, Human. What do you suggest now?</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0003]">Your advice has been good so far, Human. What do you suggest now?</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0004]">Now? We recapture the passes. If Bane can&apos;t cross the mountains then he can&apos;t get creatures for his army.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0005]">Now? We recapture the passes. If Bane can&apos;t cross the mountains then he can&apos;t get creatures for his army.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0006]">Now? We recapture the passes. If Bane can&apos;t cross the mountains then he can&apos;t get creatures for his army.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0007]">Now? We recapture the passes. If Bane can&apos;t cross the mountains then he can&apos;t get creatures for his army.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0008]">Very well. Then we must retake Skullguard Keep.  There is another Arkliche there.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0009]">Very well. Then we must retake Skullguard Keep.  There is another Arkliche there.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0010]">Very well. Then we must retake Skullguard Keep.  There is another Arkliche there.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0011]">Very well. Then we must retake Skullguard Keep.  There is another Arkliche there.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0012]">If we defeated one, we can defeat another.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0013]">If we defeated one, we can defeat another.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0014]">If we defeated one, we can defeat another.</Text>
   <Text tag="[Conv_Q3Q3a_0015]">If we defeated one, we can defeat another.</Text>


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最終更新:2007年12月07日 21:18