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計 72 ページ / 1 から 72 を表示

Substrate-dependent reversal .... anion-exchange protein, AE1(Fujimoto) (5239日前)
09/12/22 (5239日前)
The Effect of .... Prdx2, GPx1 and Cat on Erythrocyte Oxidative Metabolism.(西野) (5239日前)
Red blood cell-mimicking synthetic biomaterial particles.(下) (5239日前)
Erythroid glucose transporters.(佐伯) (5239日前)
論文紹介 (5240日前)
Cell-cell interaction networks regulate blood stem and progenitor cell fate.(佐伯) (5253日前)
Rapid and sustained nuclear-cytoplasmic ERK oscillations.(Nishino) (5253日前)
09/12/8 (5253日前)
An update on iron physiology(Fujimoto) (5253日前)
09/12/15 (5253日前)
Measures against transmission of H1N1 influenza in Japan in 2009. (下) (5254日前)
Red blood cell aging markers during storage (中島) (5260日前)
09/12/1 (5260日前)
A generic algorithm for layout of biological networks.(佐伯) (5260日前)
Red blood cell pH, the Bohr effect.....(藤本) (5260日前)
Quantitative Analysis of Mechanisms... Dynamics during Anaemia.(下) (5260日前)
A superoxide dismutase–human hemoglobin fusion protein ...(西野) (5261日前)
Identification of a anti-erythropoietin receptor(中島) (5274日前)
09/11/17 (5274日前)
Identification of a anti-erythropoietin receptor(中島) (5274日前)
Some drugs inhibit in vitro hydratase and esterase activities of (藤本) (5274日前)
Applications of genome-scale metabolic reconstructions.(review paper)(西野) (5274日前)
The Red Blood Cell proteome and interactome: an update(review paper)(佐伯) (5274日前)
Antioxidants prevent health-promoting effects of physical exercise in humans.(下) (5281日前)
09/11/10 (5281日前)
Role of band 3 in regulating metabolic flux of red blood cells.(西野) (5281日前)
How to visually interpret biological data using networks.(西野) (5281日前)
Molecular ecophysiology of Antarctic notothenioid fishes.(藤本) (5281日前)
Human erythrocyte flickering:temp, ATP, water transport, and cell aging.(佐伯) (5281日前)
09/11/6 (5281日前)
Age-Dependent Decline...correlation with oxidative stress. (藤本) (5285日前)
Age-Dependent Decline...correlation with oxidative stress. (下) (5285日前)
Pharmacokinetics of dihydroartemisinin in male rats.(中島) (5285日前)
Metabolite and reaction inference based on enzyme specificities.(佐伯) (5285日前)
Metabolite and reaction inference based on enzyme specificities(佐伯) (5285日前)
FFP use during massive blood transfusion in trauma resuscitation(下) (5302日前)
09/10/20 (5302日前)
Evolutionary replacement of UV vision by violet vision in fish.(西野) (5302日前)
Mechanical property analysis of stored red blood cell.(佐伯) (5302日前)
(藤本) (5302日前)
Protecting Effect of Phytocide Solution, on Norimal Human Dermal Fibroblasts(佐伯) (5309日前)
09/10/13 (5309日前)
Erythrocyte deformability and nitric oxide ... after a cardiopulmonary test.(藤本) (5309日前)
Mobile Phone Based Clinical Microscopy for Global Health Applications(下) (5309日前)
今日の論文(西野) (5309日前)
Trends in Research Related to 'Shinrin-Yoku'.(佐伯) (5316日前)
Differential Rates of Glutathione Oxidation(中島) (5316日前)
09/10/6 (5316日前)
Low red cell production ...severe anemia during a malaria infection(下) (5317日前)
Kinetic hybrid models .... of complex metabolic networks. (西野) (5321日前)
Title(own's name) (5321日前)
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筆頭著者,雑誌名,publish date,PMID(論文読んだ人の名前) (5321日前)
プロジェクト活動計画 (5322日前)
メニュー (5322日前)
プロジェクト活動 (5322日前)
09/09/29 (5322日前)
ミートログ (5322日前)
赤血球グループ (5322日前)
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計 72 ページ