07 Fear

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07 Fear」(2018/08/14 (火) 15:03:20) の最新版変更点



#right(){【登録タグ:&tags()】} アルバム:[[シンフォニック東方Ⅳ]] サークル:[[5150]] Vocal:龍5150 Lyric:龍5150 Arrange:龍5150 原曲:霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion I do not know genuine fear. It doesn't know the appearance. It doesn't know orverwhelming fear that seems to crush the heart in the hand. I am ignorant and pure. Therefore. Anything can be done. It is not interested in the essence of power to obtain. I want only to use this power. I do not think about the thing in the future. This power is mysterious. Everything is easily killed and burning out others' minds are killed. I do not know true fear. Now. only my existence is fear for the world. I have not received torture. and have not been killed. I am ignorant and pure. Therefore. Anything can be done. It is not interested in the essence of power to obtain. I want only to use this power. I do not think about the thing in the future. This power is mysterious. Everything is easily killed and burning out others' minds are killed. It is not interested in the essence of power to obtain. I want only to use this power. I do not think about the thing in the future. This power is mysterious. Everything is easily killed and burning out others' minds are killed.
#right(){【登録タグ:&tags()】} #inc(Script/track) #divid(track_args){ |album=[[シンフォニック東方Ⅳ]] |circle=[[5150]] |vocal=龍5150 |lyric=龍5150 |arrange=龍5150 |original=霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion } #divid(lyrics){ I do not know genuine fear. It doesn't know the appearance. It doesn't know orverwhelming fear that seems to crush the heart in the hand. I am ignorant and pure. Therefore. Anything can be done. It is not interested in the essence of power to obtain. I want only to use this power. I do not think about the thing in the future. This power is mysterious. Everything is easily killed and burning out others' minds are killed. I do not know true fear. Now. only my existence is fear for the world. I have not received torture. and have not been killed. I am ignorant and pure. Therefore. Anything can be done. It is not interested in the essence of power to obtain. I want only to use this power. I do not think about the thing in the future. This power is mysterious. Everything is easily killed and burning out others' minds are killed. It is not interested in the essence of power to obtain. I want only to use this power. I do not think about the thing in the future. This power is mysterious. Everything is easily killed and burning out others' minds are killed. }




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