03 Starscraper

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|album=A Story
|lyric=Tim Vegas
|arrange=Maurits"禅"Cornelis(時にメランコリー);Tim Vegas
|guitar=Tim Vegas
|original=感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind
Baby, why are you shinin' like stars?
Since you touch inside my heart
I'm remaining true to your world, wow...

Tell me meaning of your the reaction
'coz I understand my escalation
I can feel yours in disruption, wow...

Like a moonlight is holding
The night and the stars
Make me so find my brightness
and it can begin shining

You can dry their every tears
with the light of glaring your heart
I wanna reveal the secret of a distant your,
far away

"far away,I feel sadness"
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • 発熱巫女~ず
  • A Story
  • SAKURA_bot
  • S
  • 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind

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最終更新:2023年03月30日 00:32


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