09 walk away,run away

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__I wanna believe in me
you live in my heart together__

I wonder dream of you
I wonder why I see I feel remains of you
I couldn't stand my destiny

so now,
I hope you let me go
and play for my angel to be free
Never think of my heartache
It has gone
It was a moment of you

I hope you let me stay
I only want you to be with me
Never to be true to stay by my side

walk away
This is time to leave you alone
for your love,for my precious memories
And I run away for you and me
I wanna make my dream for you
I wanna believe in me
you live in my heart together

I only think of you
you were a piece of me
I feel an impression
I couldn't stand my energy

__so now,
I hope you let me go
and play for my angel to be free
Never think of my heartache
It has gone
It was a moment of you__

__I hope you let me stay
I only want you to be with me
Never to be true to stay by my side__

__walk away
This is time to leave you alone
for your love,for my precious memories
And I run away for you and me
I wanna make my dream for you
I wanna believe in me
you live in my heart together__

__so now,
I hope you let me go
and play for my angel to be free
Never think of my heartache
It has gone
It was a moment of you__

__I hope you let me stay
I only want you to be with me
Never to be true to stay by my side__

__walk away
This is time to leave you alone
for your love,for my precious memories
And I run away for you and me
I wanna make my dream for you
I wanna believe in me
you live in my heart together__
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最終更新:2018年08月24日 20:05


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