04 One-Way Highway

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Spring has begun and I have found
That the one I want has not yet come around
No longer should I inch my way to letting out
My desire at once

And now I'm raising up the stakes I've got
I would bet it all to find another way
And if I have to, got to change
Until the old fades away

On a one-way road into another world
where I won't have to wait for an eternity
Leave behind the senseless rules they've tried to set
I know that they can't push me down

Racing through the highway
Without regrets to slow me down
And I'm flying on and on!
Let's hit the town

Taking in the view
I know that it's only me and you here now
Going for a drive tonight into the moon

Losing myself within the stars
In this clear, night sky, I find it isn't dark
Off in the distance, I can see
Far beyond dreams of what they're made to be

Imagine: what is it like to be someone
Who can understand the stars within the sun?
Opening up a whole new world
It carries me away

On a one-way road into another world
where I won't have to wait for an eternity
Leave behind the senseless rules they've tried to set
I know that they can't push me down

Racing through the highway
Without regrets to slow me down
And I'm flying on and on!
Let's hit the town

Taking in the view
I know that it's only me and you here now
Going for a drive tonight into the moon

And now I'm raising up the stakes I've got
I would bet it all to find another way
And if I have to, got to change
Until the old fades away

On a one-way road into another world
where I won't have to wait for an eternity
Leave behind the senseless rules they've tried to set
I know that they can't push me down

Racing through the highway
Without regrets to slow me down
And I'm flying on and on!
Let's hit the town

Taking in the view
I know that it's only me and you here now
Going for a drive tonight into the moon
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • O
  • A-One
  • まめみ
  • 妖怪裏参道
  • 佐渡の二ッ岩

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最終更新:2019年08月06日 21:59


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