07 Loud Faith

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__Now let it burn you alive!__

Working until the nighttime, I'm nearing the
Enlightened and lifted-high, what I would give to be there
Sharing the word of love out, to be the very
Voice that the world should hear above all any others

Many would try to tell me it's better to be
Quiet and not believe but I can't dodge a vision
I had so many years back, it told me I was
Destined to share with you the joys of love and freedom

Someday, over the horizon, I'll be there with you
A hidden paradise
Join me, I can make it easy
Rid yourself of petty vice...

(With a),Loud, Burning Faith, I echo to you
I can't wait to see you running to me
Arms open wide I'm welcoming you
Is your soul crying out, "Salvation"?

Loud, Burning Faith, you echo to me
I believe it, though I cannot see it
Love welling up inside your body
Now let it burn you alive!

I may be small and frail here in person
But the spirits are stronger than the many foes I face here
Leading the way is nothingu if I can join the
Milions of the saved... why can't I take you with me?

__Someday, over the horizon, I'll be there with you
A hidden paradise
Join me, I can make it easy
Rid yourself of petty vice...__

__(With a),Loud, Burning Faith, I echo to you
I can't wait to see you running to me
Arms open wide I'm welcoming you
Is your soul crying out, "Salvation"?__

__Loud, Burning Faith, you echo to me
I believe it, though I cannot see it
Love welling up inside your body
Now let it burn you alive!__

__Many would try to tell me it's better to be
Quiet and not believe but I can't dodge a vision
I had so many years back, it told me I was
Destined to share with you the joys of love and freedom__

__Join me, I can make it easy
Rid yourself of petty vice...__

__(With a),Loud, Burning Faith, I echo to you
I can't wait to see you running to me
Arms open wide I'm welcoming you
Is your soul crying out, "Salvation"?__

__Loud, Burning Faith, you echo to me
I believe it, though I cannot see it
Love welling up inside your body
Now let it burn you alive!__
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • L
  • A-One
  • Odyssey
  • 門前の妖怪小娘

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最終更新:2019年08月10日 22:52


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