04 Necro Fantasia

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|circle=Sound Online
blossom blowing in the sky above
the spring has come to tell the end
i close my eyes and live my fantasy
until the sun light turns to dawn

awake the colors of my fate
and start my destiny to find the way to go to carry on and

flying in the air
your blood will show the way
shooting like a rose
see the devil in the eyes of a fairy tale
that carry on leaving from the dawn
waiting for my home
don't know where to dun and where to hide

you treat me like a little child
but you don't know how close i am

open my eyes and i see the path
between the purple flame around and

flying for your life
don't know where you are
raindrops full of pain
see the devil in the eyes of a fairy tale
that carry on leaving from your own
waiting for the time
i know where to run and where to hide

see, there's no place to go
i will burn you dead
see, you will not survive
the east end will be safe
this time i hold the key to win

☆ repeat
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • N
  • Blaze
  • Sound Online
  • LoFi.Socks
  • ネクロファンタジア

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最終更新:2018年08月13日 08:38


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