01 A.Q.N

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|circle=Alice Music
The history that I carve with.
It's not yet over.
I still write it down.
Much all the time.
It repeats itself.

Everybody always forgets me.
Only one continues turning around.
A record mere as for me.
I'm a record.

Don't leave me. I'm lonely.
It's brutality, a common story in time.
Do you remember me?
The Q and A which is repeated many times.
There is no answer again.

I don't understand it even if I look back on a past.
The thing that a record doesn't have an actual feeling.

Is the ninth life found what it is?
I may forget it entirely after all.
I follow even if meaningless.

Don't leave me. I'm lonely.
It's brutality, a common story in time.
Do you remember me?
The Q and A which is repeated many times.
There is no answer again.

Do you remember me?
I don't remember you.
I still miss you slightly.
This isn't an answer.
I still feel like having found something.
The Q and A of my own.

Don't leave me. I'm lonely.
It's brutality, a common story in time.
Do you remember me?
The Q and A which is repeated many times.
There is no answer again.
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • A
  • ホシニネガイヲ
  • Alice Music
  • めらみぽっぷ
  • 阿礼の子供

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最終更新:2020年03月02日 22:31


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