05 No Guardian Angel

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|original=Highly Responsive to Prayers;東方怪奇談
__I'm no guardian angel,
I'm no guardian angel!__

Dream within a never-ending sleep
a life of fortune and belief
Until you simply cease to be

Who are you, to dare intrude upon this land
Defended by my very hand
Remove yourself, that's a command

Follow me to fall from grace
The spells that I've accrued are my chains
Though you're far enough astray
For salvation's reaching out to fade

I'm no guardian angel,
Fatal flames burn into my eyes
I'm no guardian angel!
Little one, are you ready to die?

Life is so persistent to persuade
That I should ever have to wait
to end it swiftly by my blade

Follow me to fall from grace
The spells that I've accrued are my chains
Though you're far enough astray
For salvation's reaching out to fade

I'm no guardian angel,
Fatal flames burn into my eyes
I'm no guardian angel!
Little one, are you ready to die?
I'm no guardian angel,
Fatal flames burn into my eyes
I'm no guardian angel!
Little one, are you ready to die?

I'm no guardian angel,
Fatal flames burn into my eyes
I'm no guardian angel!
Little one, are you ready to die?
I'm no guardian angel,
Fatal flames burn into my eyes
I'm no guardian angel!
Little one, are you ready to die?

I'm no guardian angel!
Little one, are you ready to die?
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • N
  • A-One
  • T.Stebbins
  • Highly Responsive to Prayers
  • 東方怪奇談

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最終更新:2019年08月16日 00:22


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