08 Time Will Tell

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|original=いざ、倒れ逝くその時まで;The Positive and Negative
You tear my home apart, then I'll get you and yours
I'm a power you've not seen before
Where do you go when you die in Hell? I guess
when I get to you…

Tatters of what once was here
Worshippers gather in fear
Lock yourselves in for the night
I'm off to go make this right

Miles and miles away
Paved through the blood of the fray
Torn between Hell and Makai
There, but for vengeance go I

Hellfire nipping at Achilles' heels, I kill
So you know exactly how it feels
Nothin' gonna stop me till I take you down, you see
You'll see me but you'll never hear a sound

You tear my home apart, then I'll get you and yours
I'm a power you've not seen before
Where do you go when you die in Hell? I guess
when I get to you, time will tell

Cast demons, angels aside
Torn them apart far and wide
The indestructible few,
What then will happen to you?

Hellfire nipping at Achilles' heels, I kill
So you know exactly how it feels
Nothin' gonna stop me till I take you down, you see
You'll see me but you'll never hear a sound

Miles and miles away
Paved through the blood of the fray
Torn between Hell and Makai
There, but for vengeance go I

Cast demons, angels aside
Torn them apart far and wide
The indestructible few,
What then will happen to you?

Hellfire nipping at Achilles' heels, I kill
So you know exactly how it feels
Nothin' gonna stop me till I take you down, you see
You'll see me but you'll never hear a sound

You tear my home apart, then I'll get you and yours
I'm a power you've not seen before
Where do you go when you die in Hell? I guess
when I get to you, time will tell
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • T
  • A-One
  • T.Stebbins
  • いざ、倒れ逝くその時まで
  • The Positive and Negative

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最終更新:2022年01月14日 22:51


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