
ギルバート英」(2009/11/22 (日) 03:40:19) の最新版変更点



<p><br /> You see a grumpy fellow with a bloody bandage on his head.<br /> do you need something else?<br /> Gilberto asks.<br /> You notice his wound is healing nicely.</p> <p>name</p> <p>I am Gilberto.</p> <p>job.?<br /> I have the night watch at the dock gate.</p> <p>murder<br /> It must have occurred shortly before I was knocked out.</p> <p>knocked<br /> It was just about sunrise.<br /> I was looking out to the sea.<br /> All of a sudden, I felt a blow on the back of mine head. He winces in pain.</p> <p>pain<br /> Gilberto still seems a little wobbly, but his gesture indicates that he does not desire your aid.<br /> My skull is still ringing, but I shall be all right momentarily.</p> <p>blow<br /> The next thing I knew, I was on the ground.<br /> Johnson, the guard for the next watch, was shaking me.<br /> I had been out about ten minutes.<br /> I knew that because the sun had just peeked over the horizon.<br /> And 'The Crown Jewel' had gone and sailed!</p> <p>Crown Jewel<br /> Did I forget to say?<br /> That is a ship that was docked here all night.<br /> I believe it was about to sail for "Britain".<br />  You could ask "Gargan the Shipwright" to make sure.<br /> Anyway, I did not see "mine attackers", the guard grumbles.</p> <p>attackers.<br /> Hmmm.<br /> I wonder if they jumped onto the ship!<br /> They could be all the way to "Britain" by now!</p> <p>Gargan<br /> He is a good man but you may not wish to stand too close to him.<br /> You may catch something.</p> <p>ship<br /> If you do want a ship, you must get a deed from the shipwright.<br /> You must also have the password to leave town.</p> <p>password<br /> What is it?</p> <p>Please<br /> Long live the king<br /> Uhh, I don't know</p> <p>Blackbird.<br /> All right.<br /> You may pass.</p> <p>You do not know the password.<br /> The Mayor can give you the proper password.</p> <p>Johnson<br /> He takes the morning watch at the dock.</p> <p>Fellowship.</p> <p>He shrugs.<br /> You are asking the wrong man.<br /> I suppose they are all right. I have never had trouble with them.</p> <p>Hook<br /> The guard thinks a moment.<br /> No. I cannot say that I saw a man with a hook.</p> <p>Klog.<br /> I have not had many dealings with him.</p> <p>bye<br /> Goodbye.<br /> Watch your back.</p>

