
ポール英」(2009/12/06 (日) 23:18:02) の最新版変更点



<p>You see a young entertainer who beckons to you.<br /> Yes? Paul asks.</p> <p>name<br /> I am Paul. My colleagues' names are Meryl and Dustin.</p> <p>job<br /> We perform a Passion Play about The Fellowship. It costs only 2 gold per person to see. If thou dost want us to perform it, please say so.</p> <p>Passion Play<br /> A Passion Play is a morality tale performed on stage.</p> <p>Fellowship<br /> It would be much simpler to view the play.</p> <p>perform<br /> I am sorry to say we are on our break. Please return to the stage area during normal hours.<br /> Wouldst thou like to see our Passion Play?<br /> Paul takes your gold. We thank thee. If thou wouldst make thyself comfortable, we shall begin.<br /> Oh dear. I am afraid thou dost not have enough gold to pay for the performance. Some other time, I hope.*<br /> I am sorry. It seems my fellow thespians are not available. The Passion Play has temporarilytclosed.*<br /> Some other time, then, I hope.*</p> <p>bye<br /> The actor bows to you.*</p> <p>See the Passion Play!<br /> The Fellowship presents...<br /> Come view the Passion Play!<br /> We shall entertain thee!</p>

