
パッション・プレイ・シアター英」(2009/12/06 (日) 23:33:56) の最新版変更点



<p> As the actors take their places and don masks, you settle down to watch the action.*</p> <p>Spark whispers to you,<br /> I wish there was a confectioner that sold candied apples!</p> <p>The music starts the play, as Paul takes center stage and addresses the audience.</p> <p>Welcome to Our Tale,<br /> A tale so true to life.<br /> 'Tis a tale of tragedy<br /> A man has lost his wife.</p> <p>But the story need not be sad<br /> When The Fellowship is here.<br /> The Triad of Inner Strength<br /> Gives one no cause to fear.</p> <p>Dustin takes the stage as Paul moves away. Meryl lies on the ground in front of him and assumes a death-like pose.</p> <p>'Tis doom!<br /> 'Tis despair!<br /> 'Tis death!<br /> My beloved wife is gone!<br /> Disease has taken her away<br /> And left me with but a song.</p> <p>Dustin puts his head in his hands and mimes sobbing. As he sobs, Meryl rises from her "death" in a ghost-like fashion, then addresses Dustin.</p> <p><br /> Mine husband, my love!<br /> Do not despair!<br /> 'Tis not doom!<br /> Thou shalt rise above<br /> All this melancholy and gloom!</p> <p>Who doth speak to me?<br /> Could it be she?<br /> Or have I indeed gone mad?<br /> But who else -could- it be?</p> <p>Mine husband, thou must listen.<br /> Thou hast thy comfort within thy grip.<br /> Thou must only seek them out --<br /> Those that can help -- The Fellowship!</p> <p><br /> Meryl drifts off stage, leaving Dustin alone.<br /> The Fellowship, she said?<br /> But what do I need with it?<br /> I have mine eight virtues and mine healers<br /> With these nothing else will fit!</p> <p>Paul enters the stage with Meryl, who now wears a different mask.<br /> But that is where thou art wrong!<br /> The Fellowship exists to help thee!<br /> The Triad of Inner Strength is here<br /> To give thee a sense of unity!</p> <p>Join us now and thou wilt see.<br /> Join thy brothers and our plan<br /> To promote the tenets of our group --<br /> Thou wilt be a better man.</p> <p>At this point, an elaborate mimed sequence reveals how Dustin joins The Fellowship, receives his medallion from a "branch leader", portrayed by Paul, and receives congratulations from Meryl.</p> <p>Strive for Unity at all times,<br /> And Trust Thy Brother through all ill,<br /> For Worthiness Precedes thine own Reward<br /> Hark to our words -- it surely will!</p> <p>I shall give half my wealth to thee!<br /> I shall do thy bidding and then wait.<br /> My reward shall come one day<br /> And free me from mine awful fate.</p> <p>Dustin mimes giving Paul some money. Paul exits, then Dustin lies down on the stage and mimes going to sleep. After a moment, Meryl enters the stage, dances around Dustin's body, sprinkling some kind of sparkling dust on him.</p> <p>Iolo whispers to you. "I am particularly enjoying the visual effects. The script is a little weak, dost thou not think?"</p> <p>Meryl leaves the stage and Dustin 'wakes up'. Lo and behold, he finds a bag near his place of sleep. Upon opening it, he finds a bundle of gold!</p> <p>By Lord British I declare!<br /> 'Tis my reward! From the air!<br /> The voice I heard at night was right<br /> About my wretched life I will not care!</p> <p>The voice came to me in a dream<br /> 'Twas mine 'inner' voice, so fair.<br /> I now have a companion and provider,<br /> And a master about whom I care.</p> <p>You are jarred by the actor's choice of words -- 'companion', 'provider', and 'master'. You realize you have heard them before.</p> <p>This is really awful.</p> <p>Paul and Meryl join Dustin on stage and they all hold hands.</p> <p>The Fellowship can give thee purpose<br /> To join is thine only choice<br /> Commit thyself to our just cause<br /> And find thine inner voice.</p> <p>At that point, the actors bow, and you realize it is the end. You give them polite applause.</p> <p>What do they mean about the voice? I am not sure I understand. 'Twas a confusing play. I did not like it at all. We have wasted our time and money! That is the last time that I let thee decide how best we entertain ourselves!</p>

