You are wary of conversing with that trickster Chuckles, but decide to anyway.

I will speak if thou dost play The Game, friend, Chuckles says.

I must not say my name, lest I break the rule of The Game!

I was, am, and shall be the Court...Fool! I could give thee a clue if I wish, but for now my job is to play The Game.

Art thou sure thou canst play The Game?

Then prove it. Talk to me.
1.Hi, Chuck
2.Hi, Chuckles
3.Hello, Fool
4.Hello, Chuckles

1.Hi, Chuck
Hi there! What is on thy mind?

1.I need answers
2.many problems
3.too much

3.too much
Ah, I do know what thou dost mean! Thou dost need help, yes?

1.Most assuredly
2.Canst thou help?
4.Yes, I do

4.Yes, I do
2.Canst thou help?
Hmmm. I might could give thee a clue.
I would like to give Chuckles a black eye!

1.I wish thou wouldst
2.That would be worthwhile
3.I need it immediately
4.That would be big of thee

4.That would be big of thee
1.I wish thou wouldst
What wilt thou give me for a clue?

2.a smile friendship
5.I shan't murder thee
Chuckles holds his hand up. 'Tis not right. I give thee a clue for free. 'Tis here in this scroll.
So long, my friend! Do not forg... I mean, do not lose how to play The Game!*

Oh! Thou dost not have room for the scroll! Put down thy things and I shall give it to thee!*

2.a smile
How nice! All right! I shall give thee a clue. 'Tis here in this scroll.
So long, my friend! Do not forg... I mean, do not lose how to play The Game!*

Oh! Thou dost not have room for the scroll! Put down some of thy things and I can give it to thee!*

5.I shan't murder thee friendship
Thou must play The Game to get the clue!

Oops. I did give thee one!

Thou must play The Game if thou dost want to speak with me.

Explain it
I know The Game
What are the rules?
I don't understand
I don't understand
I don't understand
Explain it

Explain it
What are the rules?
Thou must just learn The Game and then jump in and play it!
What are the rules?
I know The Game
Then just play it!
I know the Game
Of what do we speak?
About what do we talk?
What do we converse about?
Of what do we speak?
Of what thou wouldst like.

Why dost thou want to speak of me? Canst thou not think of a thing much more fun of which to speak?

a joke
I do not think I can tell a good joke whilst I play The Game! 'Twould be hard! Hmm. Ah! I have one! Why did the hen cross the road? To get to the side she was not on!

There be a lot of fine girls in our fair town! Or is it 'fair girls in our fine town'? Chuckles shrugs his shoulders.

There is good food at the pub! As for me, I like to eat on the floor of my room!

Where is the Blue Boar?
Thou canst get a good meal there! But I could give thee a good -clue-!

So long, my friend! Do not forg... I mean, do not lose how to play The Game!*
Bye for now!*

@Want to play The Game?@
@Let us play The Game!@
Shall we dance?@


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