You see a child that has recently grown into toddlerhood.

Whee! Yoooo! intones Nicholas.

His name is Nicholas.

The toddler is obviously deeply engaged in a game of tag and will not stop to speak.*
Why, his job is to wet his diaper! Is that not right, Nicholas? Nanna says in baby-talk.
Whee! Dia-per!
Nicholas is one of our orphans. He was left in front of the castle one morning. 'Tis a sad state of affairs when this kind of thing happens.
Whee! Dia-per!

You notice that Nicholas' diaper is wet.
Oh, my. He's wet, is he not? Couldst thou be a dear and change him for me? I would appreciate it!
Yeeee! Dia-per! Geeee! Nicholas says happily.

The diapers are there on that table. If thou wouldst just use oneton Nicholas....
Nicholas points to the diapers on the table.

Bye bye!*

@Tag! Thou it!@

@Catch me! Catch me!@

@Nyah nyah!@

@Tag! Whee!@


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最終更新:2010年01月09日 02:15