0x0800 [A]ttack Mode [T]arget
0x0801 [B]usiness Activity [E]xperience
0x0802 [P]op Weapon [R]eserve Dex
0x0803 [W]ant Primary Tgle [S]tats
0x0804 [F]ollowing/Align
0x0805 [N]pc Status
0x0806 [~]raining Points
0x0807 [K]ill Npc:
0x0808 [X]it
0x0809 Enter command.
0x080A Enter no. of reserve dex points.
0x080B Enter no. of experience pts..
0x080C Enter no. of training pts..
0x080D Sword2H readied.
0x080E Sword2H unreadied.
0x080F [1] Neutral
0x0810 [2] Good
0x0811 [3] Evil
0x0812 [4] Chaotic
0x0813 [X] Abort
0x0814 Enter no. of alignment.
0x0815 Enter activity number.
0x0816 ----------------
0x0817 [D]exterity....
0x0818 [F]ood Level...
0x0819 [I]ntelligence.
0x081A [S]trength.....
0x081B [C]ombat Skill.
0x081C [M]agic Points.
0x081D [H]it Points...
0x081E [X]it
0x081F Enter no. of food points (0-31.)
0x0820 Enter no. of base combat skill pts..
0x0821 Enter no. of base intelligence pts..
0x0822 Enter no. of base strength pts..
0x0823 Enter no. of base dex. points.
0x0824 Enter no. of magic points.
0x0825 Enter no. of hit points.
0x0826 ----------------
0x0827 [P]rimary...
0x0828 [S]econdary.
0x0829 [O]ppressor.
0x082A [X]it
0x082B Enter command.
0x082C Enter npc-to-target-to.
0x082D Invalid npc.
0x082E ----------------
0x082F Nearest
0x0830 Weakest
0x0831 Strongest
0x0832 Berserk
0x0833 Protect
0x0834 Defend
0x0835 Flank
0x0836 Fleeing
0x0837 Random
0x0838 Manual
0x0839 ----------------
0x083A Neutral
0x083B Good
0x083C Evil
0x083D Chaotic
0x083E ----------------
0x083F [C]urrent Attack Mode...
0x0840 [D]efault Attack Mode...
0x0841 ----------------
0x0842 Teleport Menu
0x0843 [D]ecimal Coordinates
0x0844 [H]exadecimal Coordinates
0x0845 [N]pc Number
0x0846 [R]eferent
0x0847 [X]it
0x0848 Enter command.
0x0849 Enter x coord.
0x084A Enter y coord.
0x084B Enter z coord.
0x084C Enter npc number.
0x084D Invalid npc.
0x084E Enter referent (-1 to exit.)
0x084F Invalid referent.
0x0850 Invalid command.
0x0851 ----------------
0x0852 Npc #
0x0853 [A] Asleep.
0x0854 [B] Charmd.
0x0855 [C] Cursed.
0x0856 [D] Prlyzd.
0x0857 [E] Poisnd.
0x0858 [F] Prtctd.
0x0859 [G] Dead...
0x085A [H] In Act.
0x085B [I] Party..
0x085C [J] Invsbl.
0x085D [K] Fly....
0x085E [L] Walk...
0x085F [M] Swim...
0x0860 [N] Ethrel.
0x0861 [O] Prtcee.
0x0862 [P] Conjrd.
0x0863 [Q] Summnd.
0x0864 [R] Bleedn.
0x0865 [S] Sex....
0x0866 [X]it
0x0867 Enter command.
0x0868 ----------------
0x0869 Activity Dump of Npc #
0x086A [X]it
0x086B Enter command.
0x086C ----------------
0x086D Sign/Tomb/Plaque/Book/sCroll
0x086E Beginning Quality
0x086F Ending Quality
0x0870 Qual=
0x0871 ----------------
0x0872 [B]usiness Schedule [H]ack Mover...:
0x0873 All
0x0874 [D]o Schedule.:
0x0875 [L]ocation.....:
0x0876 [G]ame Flags [I]nspect
0x0877 [N]umber ID...:
0x0878 [M]odify Npc
0x0879 [T]eleport [U]nk BugChkin :
0x087A [P]ower Avatar:
0x087B [Q]ueue Toggle.:
0x087C [S]et Time [C]reate Item
0x087D [+-] Time Rate:
0x087E [A]ctivity Dump
0x087F [F]ollowers...:
0x0881 Current time:
0x0882 Enter command.
0x0883 Which npc?
0x0884 Invalid npc.
0x0885 Enter type (-1 to exit.)
0x0886 Creation aborted.
0x0887 Creation failed.
0x0888 Cannot drop item.
0x0889 Enter frame (-1 to exit.)
0x088A Creation aborted.
0x088B Enter quantity.
0x088C Enter quality.
0x088D Item created.
0x088E Current time:
0x088F Enter hour (-1 to cancel.)
0x0890 Enter day (-1 to cancel.)
0x0891 Game time not changed.
0x0892 Which npc?
0x0893 Npc=
0x0894 Invalid npc.
0x0895 [I]nspect Flag
0x0896 [S]et Flag
0x0897 [X] Abort
0x0898 Enter option.
0x0899 Invalid option.
0x089A Which npc?
0x089B 0-255 only.
0x089C Current Activity:
0x089D Invalid npc.
0x089E Which npc? (-1 for all.)
0x089F Which npc?
0x08A0 Invalid npc.
0x0901 F2 Super Cheat System
0x0902 F3 Goto Map Location
0x0903 F4 Single Step Toggle
0x0904 F5 Cast Spell
0x0905 F6 Barge Hack Cheat
0x0906 F7 Toggle Traces
0x0907 F8 Read Sign, Book, Etc.
0x0908 F9 Target Report
0x0909 F10 Pathfind Test
0x090A Alt-1 Sound Effect
0x090B Alt-2 Frame Counter
0x090C Alt-3 Sprite Effects
0x090D Alt-4 Dump Item Contents
0x090F C Combat
0x0910 S Load Save
0x0911 A Audio Toggle
0x0912 X Exit
0x0913 Z Ztats
0x0914 <ESC> Exit
0x0915 <SPACE> Toggle Keyboard Simulate Mouse
0x0916 Press return or space to continue.


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最終更新:2009年10月24日 21:28