SUBJECT Medical Terminology -> Pulm のカンペ
Pneumon(o)- means: Lung
Pneum(o)- means:  Lungs
Pneumat(o)- means: Lung
-thorax means: chest
-pnea means: Breathing
Pulmo- means: Lungs
Alveol(o)- means: Small saclike dilatation
-ac means: Pertaining to...
Spir(o)- means: Breathe
Thorac(i)- means: Upper chest
Trachel(o)- means: Neck like
Pleur(o)- means: Ribs

Medical Terminology -> Orthoアンチョコ
Level:10まで 全62問

-algia = Pain 
-desis = Fusion
-malacia = Softening
-megaly = Increasing in size
-lysis = Separating
-penia = Decrease in number
-physis = Growth 
Ankyl(o)- = Stiff
Ankyl(o)-; ancyl(o)- = Crooked or bent
Aponeur(o)- = Sheetlike tendon
Axill- = Armpit
Burs(o)- = Saclike cavity
Carp(o)- = Wrist
Chir(o)-, cheir(o)- = Hand
Chondro(o)- = Cartilage
Clavicul(o)- = Collar bone
Cost(o)- = Ribs
Cyph(o)- = Bent
Dactyl(o)- = A finger, toe
Digit- = Finger
Dist(o)- = Located away from a point
Dors(o)-, dors(i)- = Back
Femor(o)- = Long bone of the thigh
Fibr(o)- = Bundles of collagenous white fibers
Fibul(o)- = The lateral bone of the lower leg
Ganglion(o)- = Knot
Genu- = Knee
Halluc- = Thumb, big toe
Humer(o)- = Upper arm
Ili(o)- = Hip bone
Ischio- = Hip joint
Kyph(o)- = Hump
Lamin(o)- = Thin plate
Lord(o)- = Flexed forward
Lumb(o)- = Loin
Manu- = Hand
Menisc(o)- = Semilunar cartilage
My(o)- = Muscle
Myos(o)- = Muscle
Orth(o)- = Straight or correct
Oste(o)- = Bone
Patell(o)- = Kneecap
Ped-, -ped-, -pes =Foot
Phalang(o)- = Finger
Pod- = Foot
Proxim(o)- = Nearest
Pub(o)- = Mature
Pseud(o)- = Fake
Radi(o)- = Radius
Sacr(o)- = Posterior of the pelvis
Scapul(o)- = Shoulder blade
Scoli(o)- = Curved
Spondyl(o)- = Vertebra
Stern(o)- = Breast bone
Super(o)- = Large
Supra- = Above
Synovi(o)- = Connective-tissue membrane
Tars(o)- = Bone of the foot
Ten(o)- = Tendon
Tendon(o)- = Tissue that connects a muscle to a bone
Tibi(o)- = Tibia
Uln(o)- = Forearm

Medical Terminology -> Opht
(Level:5まで 全21問)
-cleisis = Occlusion
-opia = Vision
-schisis = Crack
Aniso- = Unequal
Blephar(o)- = Eyelid
Cor-, core-, coro- = Eyes pupil
Cor(o)- = Pupil
Corne(o)- = Anterior part of the eye
Dacry(o)- = Tear
Dipl(o)- = Double
Disk(o)- = A thin, flat, circular object
Iri(o)- = Eye
Irid(o)- = Eye
Lacrim(o)- = Tear duct
Ocul- = Eye
Ophthalm(o)- = Eye
Opt(o)- = Vision
Optic(o)- = Sight
Palpebr- = Eyelid
Pupill(o)- = Center of the iris
Retin(o)- = Innermost tunic of the eye


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