Const KOUDO = &h1
Const MEIDO = &h2

Function max(a,b,c)
If a > b Then max = a Else max = b
If max < c Then max = c
End Function

Function min(a,b,c)
If a < b Then min = a Else min = b
If min > c Then min = c
End Function

'RGBをモノクロにしてRGB値で返す(c=1,明度、c=2,光度 c=3のとき、平均)
Function RGB24ToMonochro(rgb As DWord, c As Long) As DWord
Dim R As Byte, G As Byte, B As Byte
R = rgb And &hFF
G = (rgb >> 8) And &hFF
B = (rgb >> 16) And &hFF

Select Case c
rgb = 0.5 * (max(R,G,B) + min(R,G,B))
rgb = 0.21 * R + 0.72 * G + 0.07 * B
Case Else
rgb = (R + G + B) / 3
End Select
RGB24ToMonochro = RGB(rgb, rgb, rgb)
End Function

Function RGB24NegaPosi(rgb As DWord) As DWord
Dim R As Byte, G As Byte, B As Byte
R = rgb And &hFF
G = (rgb >> 8) And &hFF
B = (rgb >> 16) And &hFF

RGB24NegaPosi = RGB(255-R, 255-G, 255-B)
End Function


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