06 Swing and Jive !

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|album=地霊 -CHIREI-
|original=霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion
Blue skies, blue skies, holiday breeze,
(Doo-wop, shoo-bee-doo-wop !)
And there's music, oh, down, down by the street.
(Doo-wop, doo-bee-doo-wah !)
Whao, there's no stopping me now, no, no, siree.
(Bing, bang, doo-wah, doo-wee !)
I'm ticki-tappin' my way down
to the club for a sec just to see...

something picks up suddenly.
Time's ticking by, oh, and now the big band
Starts up,making a scene !

When the beat begins,
I get up swingin' and a-dancin' !
All the hippest cats start up, getting around, yeah !

Swinging's got me on my feet !
I'm jumpin' and a-jivin' !
My, oh, my, can't stop me, the rhythm and beat !
Oh ! Shoo-wap ! Shoo-bee-doo-bee-doo, doo-doo-um, bah !

My mind, my heart's filled up with song.
(Bop, bop, doo-doo-um-bop !)
There's no helpin' it when comes along.
(Dem-dep, dippity dep !)
Imagination just tap,taps to the tune.
(Un-doo, digga-de-dee !)
No matter what, oh, themcats start
to get smooth to the beat of that swing !

Dont' mean a thing if you think
Love follows no steady beat.
Come on, set out, and let your soul free.

When the beat begins,
I get up swingin' and a-dancin' !
All the hippest cats start up, getting around, yeah !

Swinging's got me on my feet !
I'm jumpin' and a-jivin' !
My, oh, my, can't stop me, the rhythm and beat !
Oh ! Shoo-wap ! Shoo-bee-doo-bee-doo, doo-doo-um, bah !

Dont' mean a thing if you think
Love follows no steady beat.
Come on, set out, and let your soul free.

When the beat begins,
I get up swingin' and a-dancin' !
All the hippest cats start up, getting around, yeah !

Swinging's got me on my feet !
I'm jumpin' and a-jivin' !
My, oh, my, can't stop me, the rhythm and beat !
Oh ! Shoo-wap ! Shoo-bee-doo-bee-doo, doo-doo-um, bah !
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • S
  • 地霊 -CHIREI-
  • 3L
  • 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion

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最終更新:2018年06月24日 19:58


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