04 Nobody's gonna stop my regret

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|album=幻想★あ・ら・もーど II;REVIVAL BEST EX
|lyric=Blue E
|original=エクステンドアッシュ ~ 蓬莱人
My life is forever
I don't be dead, never
But I'm a loser, don't need the eternity
Blazing out as like a fire flower
The end is all I want

I made a great mistake
It was a foolish spirit
Now I'm an underdog of the disunity
Burning down as like a fire flower
The end is not for me

Anyway, I have to get the way, get away
Everyday, I wanna hate the fate of my own life
By the way, I have to let it be, let it beat
Everywhere, I get down... down

Nobody's gonna stop my regret
How can I do for this ?
There is no answer to be sane back
It's the crazy destiny
Nobody's gonna give a backset
Time will just pass away
Where is the place I wanna go on
I'm a poor migratory who has no home

Nobody consoles my sorrow

It's just the endless pain
I can't escape, never
And I bespatter my own heart of vanity
Blooming up as like a fire flower
But I survive in vain

My life is forever
I don't be dead, never
But I'm a loser, don't need the eternity
Blazing out as like a fire flower
The end is all I want

Anyway, I have to get the way, get away
Everyday, I wanna hate the fate of my own life
By the way, I have to let it be, let it beat
Everywhere, I get down... down

Nobody's gonna stop my regret
How can I do for this?
There is no answer to be sane back
It's the crazy destiny
Nobody's gonna give a backset
Time will just pass away
Where is the place I wanna go on
I'm a poor migratory who has no home

Anyway, I have to get the way, get away
Everyday, I wanna hate the fate of my own life
By the way, I have to let it be, let it beat
Everywhere, I get down... down

Nobody's gonna stop my regret
How can I do for this ?
There is no answer to be sane back
It's the crazy destiny
Nobody's gonna give a backset
Time will just pass away
Where is the place I wanna go on
I'm a poor migratory who has no home
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • N
  • 幻想★あ・ら・もーど II
  • 709sec.
  • エクステンドアッシュ ~ 蓬莱人

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最終更新:2019年02月23日 16:21


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