05 Bar "Old Adam"

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|album=TOHO EUROBEAT VOL.20 秘封ナイトメアダイアリー
Another pint wouldn't hurt
Tonight I'm not going home
Baby drink that wort
Takes me by the storm
Bartender, give us some more!

Oh, those hops, they give us much delight
This pale ale makes us want to stay forever
Hey, this cidre makes you fell so tight
We're going down but together

Wow, my dear friend! try this!
Makes me feel like i'm flying
Imperial stout gives me the will
To make this night special
Wow, my dear friend! try this!
Makes me feel like i'm drunk!
Such a magnificent place
Bar "Old Adam"!

Another pint passing by
The sun will rise up so soon
We won't say goodbye
We will stay til' noon
Bartender, give us some more!

Gosh, my head is going to explode
Those colors dance right before my eyes like crazy
But, amigo, just give me a nod
If you think this feeling's amazing

__Wow, my dear friend! try this!
Makes me feel like i'm flying
Imperial stout gives me the will
To make this night special
Wow, my dear friend! try this!
Makes me feel like i'm drunk!
Such a magnificent place
Bar "Old Adam"!__

__Baby drink that wort
Takes me by the storm
Bartender, give us some more!
Oh, those hops, they give us much delight
This pale ale makes us want to stay forever
Hey, this cidre makes you fell so tight
We're going down but together__

__Wow, my dear friend! try this!
Makes me feel like i'm flying
Imperial stout gives me the will
To make this night special
Wow, my dear friend! try this!
Makes me feel like i'm drunk!
Such a magnificent place
Bar "Old Adam"!__
+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • B
  • TOHO EUROBEAT VOL.20 秘封ナイトメアダイアリー
  • A-One
  • 0P2C
  • Raayo
  • バー・オールドアダム

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最終更新:2019年02月06日 19:32


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