05 In my dream

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|original=夢消失 ~ Lost Dream
"Dreams time-spare"that appears
in the earth.This world that I love
That mountain,the river,the sky ,and the life
shine beautifully like the sun

"Dreams time-spare"that appears
in the earth.This world that I love
Great man said.The thing to
live seems to be a thing to fright

Then,I will fight
Because there is a paradise there
Many hardships might wait
for me.Many deep sadness and tears might wait
still ,it doesn't care
Such a thing is unrelated
Believe the word of the burning soul.and shoot light

Confront all things
Do not fear it.Dream of swearing
it to my soul.It is realized
Do not look back on the thing that
has been lost.You only have
to live in this moment now,to breathe
to believe yourself,and to die
For pride

The life was lost in far old times
and I was born in far old times
However,I have not remembered
such things of the past any longer

Therefore,I will fight
Because the paradise is here
Many hardships might wait
for me.Many deep sadness and tears might wait
still ,it doesn't care
Such a thing is unrelated
Believe the word of the burning soul,and shoot fire
Confront all things
Do not fear it.Dream of swearing
it to my soul.It is realized
Do not look back on the thing that
has been lost.You only have
to live in this moment now,to breathe
to believe yourself,and to die
For pride

Therefore,I will fight
Because the paradise is here
Many hardships might wait
for me.Many deep sadness and tears might wait
Still,it doesn't care
Such a thing is unrelated
Believe the word of the burning soul,and shoot fire

Confront all things
Do not fear it.Dream of swearing
it to my soul.It is realized
Do not look back on the thing that
has been lost.You only have
to live in this moment now,to breathe
to believe yourself,and to die
For pride

Confront all things
Do not fear it.Dream of swearing
it to my soul.It is realized
Do not look back on the thing that
has been lost.You only have
to live in this moment now,to breathe
to believe yourself,and to die
For pride
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  • タグ:
  • I
  • シンフォニック東方Ⅳ
  • 5150
  • 龍5150
  • 夢消失 ~ Lost Dream

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最終更新:2018年08月14日 15:01


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