You see a young entertainer who beckons to you.
Yes? Paul asks.

I am Paul. My colleagues' names are Meryl and Dustin.

We perform a Passion Play about The Fellowship. It costs only 2 gold per person to see. If thou dost want us to perform it, please say so.

Passion Play
A Passion Play is a morality tale performed on stage.

It would be much simpler to view the play.

I am sorry to say we are on our break. Please return to the stage area during normal hours.
Wouldst thou like to see our Passion Play?
Paul takes your gold. We thank thee. If thou wouldst make thyself comfortable, we shall begin.
Oh dear. I am afraid thou dost not have enough gold to pay for the performance. Some other time, I hope.*
I am sorry. It seems my fellow thespians are not available. The Passion Play has temporarilytclosed.*
Some other time, then, I hope.*

The actor bows to you.*

See the Passion Play!
The Fellowship presents...
Come view the Passion Play!
We shall entertain thee!


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最終更新:2009年12月06日 23:18