<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251" ?>
<string id="pda_end_tutorial">
//<text>Well, that's about it...</text>
<string id="pda_start_tutorial">
//<text>Step-by-step tutorial.</text>
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_fraction_war_phrase_1">
//<text>Alrighty. So, as you are aware, our main goal is to gain
control over the Swamps, which means war with the aggressors.</text>
<text>よし。まぁ、分かっているとは思うが、俺たちが目指すのは Swamps
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_fraction_war_phrase_10">
//<text>Finally, here you will see the current strategic
objective, as well as the tactical missions that you must complete to
accomplish the strategic objective.</text>
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_fraction_war_phrase_11">
//<text>The completed strategic missions will be shown at the
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_fraction_war_phrase_2">
//<text>This section will show you the full tactical details
relating to current combat progress.</text>
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_fraction_war_phrase_3">
//<text>On the left-hand side you will see information about your
current faction. Right now that's us, Clear Sky.</text>
<text>左側に、現在あんたが所属する派閥の情報が表示される。今のところは俺たち、つまり Clear Sky
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_fraction_war_phrase_4">
//<text>On the right you see primary enemy
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_fraction_war_phrase_5">
//<text>This is an approximate level of our military
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_fraction_war_phrase_6">
//<text>This shows our troop numbers.</text>
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_fraction_war_phrase_7">
//<text>And this is the level of our logistic
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_fraction_war_phrase_8">
//<text>The symbols shown at the very bottom reflect the
distinctive features of our combat equipment.</text>
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_fraction_war_phrase_9">
//<text>Similar indicators are displayed for our
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_ranking_war_phrase_1">
//<text>On the last tab you can learn about your current
relations with each faction and how they rank in military
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_ranking_war_phrase_2">
//<text>Your statistics are also displayed here.</text>
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_tasks_phrase_1">
//<text>Look here. This is the Missions section - your main
<text>ここを見てみろ。これは任務セクション ― あんたの主な道しるべだな。</text>
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_tasks_phrase_10">
//<text>In addition to listing tasks, your map will reveal the
locations of friendly squads, as well as the coordinates of detected
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_tasks_phrase_2">
//<text>This shows your primary mission...</text>
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_tasks_phrase_3">
//<text>As well as your selected secondary
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_tasks_phrase_4">
//<text>If you have several secondary missions, scroll through
them using these buttons.</text>
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_tasks_phrase_5">
//<text>Most missions will also be displayed on the map, with
rare exceptions when the mission target cannot be located.</text>
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_tasks_phrase_6">
//<text>We will need your help not only with destroying the
enemy, but also in capturing strategic positions.</text>
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_tasks_phrase_7">
//<text>In a situation like that, our fighters will appreciate it
if you provide cover fire while they overrun a position.</text>
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_tasks_phrase_8">
//<text>By the way, you shouldn't ignore calls for help - our
boys' lives may depend on your actions.</text>
― 俺たちの仲間の命があんたの行動に懸かっている。</text>
<string id="pda_tutorial_pda_tasks_phrase_9">
//<text>Hover over a spot on the map to see more detailed
information about that location.</text>